Dinesh Tweets Out the BIG LIE – IOTW Report

8 Comments on Dinesh Tweets Out the BIG LIE

  1. Obama’s obfuscation and retarded Democrat legislation
    Saddled Americans with heathcare nationalization
    An Arizona Republican was reelected on his promise to repeal
    But now he and his tumor think it’s a sweet deal

  2. The founding principles of AntiFa, though they’re too dumb to know history. Another gap in their education, the term “Useful Idiots” (now brought to you by Facebook and Twitter!).

  3. Creative, clever and memorable! Good job, Dinesh!

    If you haven’t yet taken the time to watch his speeches and lectures this year, do! Well worth the time. It’s a new D’Souza — he’s a formidable foe to the Left; a national, conservative treasure.

  4. Making Your way through the World today

    Takes everything Ya got

    Taking a break from all Your worries

    sure would help a lot

    Where everybody knows your name, (because it’s tattooed on your arm)

    and they’re always glad you came. (because they’re Sadists

    You wanna be where you can see,

    our troubles are all the same (shared misery)

    You wanna be where everybody knows

    Your name. ( Prisoner 0000354990088)

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