Ralph Northam’s (D- VA) Failure of Character – IOTW Report

Ralph Northam’s (D- VA) Failure of Character

American Thinker:

Democrat Ralph Northam has a new title: spineless hypocrite.

Last week, the Latino Victory Fund launched an ad depicting a white man barreling down Virginia streets in a truck bearing a confederate flag and an Ed Gillespie bumper sticker. In the ad, the driver of the truck sees a group of minority children and chases them through parks, streets, and eventually to a dead-end alley, where the terrified children huddle together in helplessness.

The ad ends with the same children jolting awake in their beds, the truck and its driver an apparent nightmare. Images of the torch-bearing white supremacists from August’s Charlottesville rally flash on screen as a narrator’s voice asks, “Is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie mean by the ‘American Dream?’”

Ultimately, the ad was pulled, but only after a radical Islamic terrorist drove a truck into a crowd of people in New York City on October 31. Yet the disturbing depiction of innocent children running for their lives represented a sickening turn in a gubernatorial race that has sadly become the new archetype in American politics.

Say what you will about the ads Ed Gillespie has run against his opponent — Ralph Northam certainly has. Northam was all too happy to condemn Gillespie’s ads suggesting Northam’s platform was soft on crime, calling them “despicable” and “a bunch of baloney.” The Washington Post also piled on, saying Gillespie’s ads “use specious claims and appeals to race and ethnicity to scare and divide.” (While it is not clear how Gillespie’s ads are “specious” or exploitative of race and ethnicity; it is undisputed that MS-13 uses illegal channels of immigration from Central America to expand its ranks in Virginia.)

Turn the tables, however, and Northam seems content to embrace the benefits of left-wing extremists suggesting his opponent is complicit in murderous white supremacy. The most his campaign could muster — only after days of intense backlash, I hasten to add — was to dismiss the ad as one which he “would not have run.”  MORE HERE

6 Comments on Ralph Northam’s (D- VA) Failure of Character

  1. It’s that same-old story – claim Trump colluded with Russia to deflect away how you’ve colluded with Russia to get 20% of the country’s uranium.

    Nothing to see, move along.

  2. democrat and character……..one of these things is not like the other.
    I can only think of one dem ever that had at least some character, and he quit them to go independent before quitting all together.

    As far as ralphie (“henry lee lucas”) northam, they say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but the fact is you can, especially with him. He’s a pediatrician? Kids have instincts before it is schooled out of them, I bet he scared the shit out of kids. How does a guy as creepy as him get licensed to drive , let alone doctor kids?

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