No, it wasn’t Facebook’s lack of diversity that allowed Russia’s troll farm to exploit racial grievances – IOTW Report

No, it wasn’t Facebook’s lack of diversity that allowed Russia’s troll farm to exploit racial grievances

American Thinker- Russia’s troll farm has had a field day exploiting black grievances in ads on Facebook.  Now a Democratic congressman has blamed it on a lack of diversity from the Facebook employees who should have been stopping it.  Fighting racial grievance-mongering with new racial grievances?  You can bet that the Russian troll farm is getting busy on that one.

According to WBIR-TV:

SAN FRANCISCO – In a heated moment during this week’s hearings on Russian social media ads, Rep. Terri Sewell questioned whether the dearth of African Americans in Facebook’s workforce contributed to the company’s failure to catch Russian operatives using fake accounts to stoke racial tensions ahead of last year’s presidential election.

Displayed behind Sewell, a Democrat from Alabama, was one of the Russian-backed ads sharing a famous black-and-white photograph of the Black Panthers from 1968. The message: “Black Panthers were dismantled by U.S. government because they were black men and women standing up for justice and equality.”

In reality, the problem is that Facebook lacks diversity of ideas.  When everyone shares the same outlook, the tendency from there is to move to the extremes.  Facebook is composed exclusively of leftists.  Those aren’t the people who are going to stop a demagogic ad from Russia’s Internet Research Agency such as the one described in the WBIR piece.

Let’s scroll back to what this is really about to see how it works.

According to the CIA, the Russian agenda is to create chaos and uncertainty.  What better way to do it than to rouse up racial grievances that have such a ready audience, something even President Obama knew as he whipped up racial grievances in places like Ferguson?  With false descriptions of what went down as rallying cries, such as “Hands up, don’t shoot,” Obama didn’t bother to correct the false facts that were so inflammatory.  He amplified the “narrative” instead because he knew there was political hay to be made.

Is a left-wing Facebook employee, whether black or white, going to act at all differently?    more here