Yeah, Because White People Are Stooopid – IOTW Report

Yeah, Because White People Are Stooopid

First of all, this is mischaracterizing what the point of daylight savings is. No one thinks the day gets longer or shorter.

Second of all, who is pitting the Indians against “the white man”?

Is it the Indians? I doubt it. I’m sure it was a white prog who made this meme.

Thirdly- funny how the reference is a blanket. You know this was a prog who made the meme. They can’t help but be stereotypical, having people neatly compartmentalized, like an apothecary cabinet full of identity politics.

Is that what Indians do? Make blankets?


Seriously, though, I’m more than a little sick and tired of the “white people are stupid and they suck” trope. There will be a backlash.

27 Comments on Yeah, Because White People Are Stooopid

  1. What I want to know is what the Government is going to do with all those warehouses full of daylight they’ve been saving up all these years.

    I mean, they can’t let it out – it would drive global warming totally out of control.

  2. Do farmers get up that early anymore? pretty sure they got lots of lighting options anyway. I see a lot of empty school buses too, do kids even ride the bus anymore?

  3. Indian build small fire. Keep warm.
    White man build big fire. Burn down forest.

    Indian build small haunted house. Have fun.
    White man build big haunted house. Shit ’em pants.

    That was my favorite joke in 2nd grade.

  4. And ‘Dubya’ and the idiots in Congress decided that extending daylight savings time an extra four weeks was going to save us from global warming.

    DST is a good idea for most people. The parameters were carefully decided to give the greatest benefit with the least inconvenience. Extending DST increased inconvenience with little benefit. In the Spring, the early change to DST always brings with it a spike in auto-pedestrian and auto-bicycle deaths, as drivers newly accustomed to sunny morning commutes are plunged again into darkness.

    Virtue-signalling kills.

  5. Some Libby twerp thought about how he disliked Daylight Savings,and decided to be Popular, and blame White’s with his cardboard cut out a meme that takes liberties with Native Americans !!!
    FAG Alert !

  6. “Seriously, though, I’m more than a little sick and tired of the “white people are stupid and they suck” trope. There will be a backlash.” – BFH

    Fur, LIVE the backlash every day, BE the backlash!

  7. Funny, but (back in the 60s) when teachers explained the stupidity of “Daylight Savings Time” the example was “the old Indian woman” who cut off the top of the blanket and sewed it onto the other end to make it longer.
    No shit. You could look it up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. This DST bullshit has got to quit. The fall back, is not as bad as the spring forward, but they both screw me up for about a week. I sleep according to the amount of daylight, if it’s light out, I’m up. So in the fall as the days shorten, I actually sleep in a little. Now after the change, I’ll be up too early trying to be quiet, which ultimately wastes my time.

  9. Living in Arizona we don’t have that crap.
    The sun rises earlier in the summer, and stuff. Deal with it.
    I don’t like messing with the time.
    As Jim said in Tom Sawyer: “I wouldn’t resk it”

  10. “Seriously, though, I’m more than a little sick and tired of the “white people are stupid and they suck” trope.”

    Agreed. What makes me sick is all the commercials on tv nowadays follow that same recipe. They depict the white people as the dumbasses and blacks as the smart people.

  11. Standard time would be great for me except in the Winter but it would be nice to have the sun rise as early as 3-3:30 AM in the Summer when I’m out driving in Montana delivering flowers. I’m going back to work this next week, yahoo! I like early morning sunrises, the earlier the better for me since I’m a morning person which I got from my grandfather who was a farmer and was always up early and taught me to appreciate early mornings.

  12. I say we get rid of DST, but not all at once; phase it out over 12 years; each successive spring we set the clocks forward 5 minutes less, and each fall, set the clocks back 5 minutes less. I say this tongue-in-cheek, but I’ll bet Maxine Waters takes the idea and runs with it.

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