Ahhhhhhhh – This is Very Satisfying To Watch – IOTW Report

Ahhhhhhhh – This is Very Satisfying To Watch

Good late night, bedtime viewing.

This will put a smile on your face, and give you a nice night’s sleep knowing that our president is ordering drone strikes that are blowing the fecal matter out of ISIS.

I like the part where they are running into the desert night and they start getting picked off like cockroaches getting extra blasts of raid.

ht/ tsunami

30 Comments on Ahhhhhhhh – This is Very Satisfying To Watch

  1. Better to kill cavemen safely & conveniently with aerial freaking robots than send in our best and bravest on foot.

    Send them to their Allah. Quickly, and from a distance.

  2. Those poor guys.…all they ever wanted was a job!

    I wonder if that was one of those “most beautiful circumstances” (Jake Tapper) where they say “Allahu akbar”.

  3. Rufus T. Firefly – And let us remind ourselves that “Allah” is not synonymous with “God” as many have been incorrectly lead to believe.

    “Send them to their Allah. Quickly, and from a distance”.

  4. C-130 GUNSHIP

    I know. I was on one, blasting the hell out of the enemy.

    Ok, it was “Call of Duty” but still, it’s the same technological concept.

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