Progs Exploiting Shooting on Twitter – IOTW Report

Progs Exploiting Shooting on Twitter

I usual respond for 5 minutes and leave.

Makes me feel better.

This was in response to some woman screaming about Trump doing nothing in the wake of mass shootings-

Here was another –

This was in response to a lefty mocking “thoughts and prayers” sent by the right –

This one is likely to get me sent to the Twitter gulag-

22 Comments on Progs Exploiting Shooting on Twitter

  1. I’ll give ’em some new gun laws when they start enforcing the laws they’ve already got!

    Ya know, progs: there are dead kids every single day in America’s inner cities. The guns doing the shootings aren’t legal and, apparently, no one cares.

    It’s *my* guns you are after, aren’t you, Sweetheart?

    ….Lady in Red

  2. The Walmart shooting that occurred in Colorado last week was kind of interesting. The shooter shot his three victims and quickly left. LEO gets there and fine 15 to 20 people with their weapons drawn and hiding. So LEO reviews the store surveillance videos to eliminate each one of these people. The news media asked a couple of them why they hid and their responses were, I was scared. Imagine if one of these people would have taken that shooter out. It would shut the damn gun critics up. It’s not enough to strap a gun on. Anybody can do that. You need to get some training. And you have about three to five minutes to put down the threat and put your gun back in your holster. Cops don’t like showing up in cases like this with a bunch of people with guns in their hands. Another part of training. I’m shocked none of these people didn’t get shot.

  3. What a bunch of sitting ducks, and I say that with absolutely no aspersions cast on the victims. They were facing the pulpit with their backs to the front door during worship. He shot them all in the back, basically.

    New procedure needed. Two armed men flank the front door from now on. Yes. Trained. But somebody’s changed the terms.

    This needs to be corrected by next Sunday. Amen.

  4. “I was trained 40 years ago to use my weapon and don’t just sit there like a ninny.”

    Good, now if we could get everyone else that carries a gun trained up we might be getting some good press coverage one day.

  5. A>If it weren’t for black folks what would Chicago’s gun violence rate be?
    B>If it weren’t for black folks what would Baltimore’s gun violence rate be?
    C>If it weren’t for black folks what would St. Louis’s gun violence rate be?

    I am a pastor who encourages my folks to pack. (First they must prove they’ve trained. Then we discuss head issues (if you got one and a shooting happens WILL you respond?) and after incident issues. One annual meeting took up all these issues w/everybody.

    We have one or two every week who open carry and at least 4-5 who commit to cc. Will we be ready? Who knows. But at least we’re not sheep to the slaughter.

  6. I can’t anymore. It’s usually the foreigners and the thugs (or friends with them) that want to take away Americans’ guns.

    I had words with one who is European and lives in Britain.
    Didn’t Americans fought to be free from them?
    Aren’t we having a whole special investigation because of foreigner interference in our politics?

  7. joe6pak

    Did you ever see a picture of that Goof? He looks exactly like Adam Lanza only 5 years older. I swear, the CIA is making these robots in a test tube some where.

  8. BFH whittles libs down to size with a baseball bat.

    If we all packed history would be different.

    just imagine if one of those kids that kevin spacey molested was packing.

    No kaiser solsee. No house of cards. and maybe no kevin spacey.

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