“Go after the heart of the far-right: conservative churches.” -Antifa Scum – IOTW Report

“Go after the heart of the far-right: conservative churches.” -Antifa Scum

Anti-Christian hate slaughter at church by leftwing CNN supporting atheist.


27 Comments on “Go after the heart of the far-right: conservative churches.” -Antifa Scum

  1. “Antifa and the left are no different from al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, etc. – totalitarian, genocidal ideologies. Their partnership is a natural fit.” -pg https://pamelageller.com/2017/10/antifa-al-qaeda.html/

    ‘There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups,’ stated the FBI field report, which was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017, and which is being published for the first time in my new book All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump.” – Ed Klein

  2. the salient point is ‘how did he get the guns?’ … after all, one cannot obtain firearms w/ a Dishonorable Discharge, can one? (anyone in the MSM want to tackle this one? … thought not) … how did the Vegas shooter ‘get the guns?’

    don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer …. the Globalists are playing us

  3. “Go after the heart of the far-right: conservative churches.”

    I can’t think of anything else to more greatly strengthen our resolve than that.

  4. His photo shows dead eyes so I’m guessing SSRI’s in his system.
    Also, according to Pam’s article
    he was dishonorably discharged
    from the Air Force so he got
    the gun illegally.

  5. This is a hate crime and a terrorist act.

    Please pause (& pray) for yourself and for these families and this community that finds itself in the epi-center of humanity’s most vicious fight.

  6. Another story out tonight that Rand Paul’s injuries are more serious than thought.

    We are already in an undeclared civil war. The liberals and Muslims attack Christians in their houses of worship and it’s not a hate crime.

    Somebody, usually a Muslim, leaves some bacon on the steps of a mosque and it’s a national media frenzy.

    We are already beyond the time of hitting liberal private citizens where they live.

    Most conservatives and libertarians I know are of the live and let live variety. Every liberals I know is if the personal is political, you can’t be allowed to have a different opinion or be left alone with it persuasion.

  7. My question is….with every muzzie slaughter the discussion devolves to “how did they self radicalize?”

    Why don’t we ask that of the radical leftists? Las Vegas guy? Texas guy? I don’t mention their names as I don’t wish them the satisfaction of name recognition. Fuck them.

    The only answer is socialist/communist/anarchist/Nazi brainwashing from university and Hollywood. That is how they became radicalized.

    It’s time to defund, disempower and totally destroy the left. This bullshit has to stop right now.

    If I was a lefty I’d be scraping stickers off me car tonight and losing my cheesy beard and man bun tonight.

    In the words of the great sage, Elton John, Saturday night’s alright for fighting. But Sunday, Monday….

    You pick it.

    But don’t shoot defenseless people in the back, cocksucker. Coward.

    Ok. I’m spun up.

  8. Remember during the campaign and these SOBs would attack Trump supporters, often LE responsible for making Trump supporters walk in the middle of them? Remember how the media blamed Trump supporters? Remember how even other Republican candidates and Republican congressmen blamed Trump for his supporters? Remember how none of them called out the true attackers?

  9. someone w/ graphic skills needs to create a visual w/ the Bushes, the Obamas, the Clintons, various One-Worlders like Valerie Jarrett, Loretta Lynch, Susan Brown, Podesta, Soros, Merkle, Gore, the UglyWood, dead Janet Reno, McCain, etc., all sitting around in a cluster-fuck circle-jerk w/ sycophantic AntiFA, BLM, demonRat extras dancing around, while consuming their waste products
    … I’m thinking on the lines of Hieronymus Bosch or Dante’s Circles of Hell

  10. A good citizen with a riffle stopped him.
    I’m seeing many pastor calling for security teams in churches, and I think it’s a good idea.

    I still have my question (which always bothers me), why so many foreigners, who don’t even live here, are so eager in taking away our guns rights?!

  11. “This is a hate crime and a terrorist act.”

    That’s like saying this is a napkin and an nuclear bomb. And um, ‘hate crime’ isn’t a term usually brought up by someone on the right.

  12. Crush the left, they are the source of all suffering for the last 100 years or more.
    Anti American and thus anti western civilization.
    They must be destroyed, they are a virus.

  13. – Congressional baseball shooting
    – Las Vegas Shooting
    – Texas Church shooting
    All done by confirmed Democrat shooters.
    When will the media acknowledge this fact?

  14. I was saying that if we are going to have hate crimes laws, which we do regardless of whether you believe in them or not, that they should be applied equally.

  15. Carry concealed everywhere, including church.

    It is invariably someone from the Left who seeks to inflict mass murder. What do you expect from people who hate God, celebrate sexual perversions, defend murder by abortion, and want the government to steal on their behalf?

    Those are the planks of the Democrat party (i.e. they booed and denied God three times at their own convention, think homosexuals and other sickos deserve preferential treatment, want PP funded by government, and tax and spend on entitlements to buy votes).


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