Random Thoughts on Today’s Shooting – IOTW Report

Random Thoughts on Today’s Shooting

Why is this not being reported as persecution of Christians?

If this was a mosque, the lede would not be #GunControl, it would be Islamophobia.

The shooter was dishonorably discharged, this means he was not legally allowed to have guns. So what gun control legislation would have stopped him from doing what he did?

Which laws have prevented heroin use in this country?

If Trump is a dictator and a fascist, why would the left only want the government to have guns?

Shouldn’t intentionally infecting people with lead only be a misdemeanor?

How many more people would have died today if the good samaritan didn’t have a weapon to stop the shooter by “engaging” with him? (The left believes, ridiculously so, that after their gun ban no one will have guns. lololol)

Muslims shoot up a place in the name of Allah and the first worry is that there will be backlash against Muslims. Muslims get shot and the first worry is that there is Islamophobia afoot.

Add your random thoughts and insights in the comments.

24 Comments on Random Thoughts on Today’s Shooting

  1. Obviously, the first thing about think about are those people who were where they wanted to be only to be gunned down by an atheist. I am so glad there was a good guy with a gun but that won’t be reported much. I am saddened that Christians can know longer feel safe in their churches. Nashville shooting is no longer being talked about because the wrong color of man shot them. And now we have another liberal shooting innocent people. I have tons of random thoughts that are just saddening me right now. Gun grabbers are in their element.

  2. I just spent an hour or so in the gym. I do a lot of thinking in the gym and your Random Thought mirror mine. But I’d like to add a little more. Keeping in mind your Random Thoughts, right now there’s a plethora of freaken liberals talking and all there sentences start out with “I just feel like”. The mark of a Liberal. Ignore Logic, and value your last seance.
    Sure seems like a lot of random mass murders lately. As conservatives we really have never been able to identify our enemies. That’s a tough thing to do. Right Paul Ryan? But the big view from the top is they sure want out guns. That’s the one constant. Disarm white America. When you strip back the bull shit, that’s their goal. My thought is, if you are a conservative and not carrying you’re letting the rest of us down. If all Conservatives were legally armed it would be damn near impossible to attempt one of these mass murders without return fire. And these pussies don’t do well with return fire. If you can get a permit and haven’t done so do it. And then carry like you mean it.

  3. I was struck by how small a community it is, 400 people, and how over 20% of the town is either dead, dying or wounded.

    The devil may have his due, but not today and not by these who will be counted among the Saints. God is great.

  4. “The devil may have his due, but not today and not by these who will be counted among the Saints. God is great.”

    What’s not being reported is some Copenhagen chewing Red Neck Son Of A Bitch shot this pussies ass off. Staving off the devil. I’m sure he’s kicking himself for not spotting this Government stooge when he first showed up. Having said that, how many lives do our young Patriot save?

  5. Tonight I wonder where Jeff Sessions is. What will he do about the war that we are in? Does he realize that we are at war?

    Trump may have a big ass 3D chess plan, but what we need tonight is to KNOW that the people who foment this violence will be brought to justice.

  6. This is the second time a lefty liberal “friend” on Facebook fits the profile of murderer in the news.

    I see the similarities. They don’t. At all. It’s Russia Russia Russia Gun Control Russia Impeach Trump- the narrative of CNN.

  7. Bravo Fur … I was just stewing in my own juices thinking the exact same thoughts … thank you for articulating
    the Oatmeal Media can spin this any way they want, but anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows this is War kiddies …. you’re either on one side, or the other (not counting the many non-participants … historically, about one-third of the populace) ….
    choose wisely, Grasshopper

  8. I’ll wager that this piece of shit who did the shooting today was some psycho drunk on anti-US rhetoric. It takes something pretty severe to get a dishonorable discharge from the military. I’m anxiously awaiting the revelation as to why this piece of shit was booted from the USAF with a dishonorable discharge.

  9. He was stopped by a citizen WITH AN AR15. More than likely punched him through pistol-level body armor. It took him ten miles to bleed out and crash after the same citizen and another citizen gave chase in contact with police dispatch, then held his vehicle at rifle point. The cops didn’t do shit. The good people of that little town did.

    The murderer was an Antifa loser dishonorably discharged and courtmartialed from the Air Force. Most likely a pervert or was stealing shit as a supply remf. He lived just outside of New Braunfels in a remodeled barn at his rich parents’ estate after getting thrown out of the Air Force.

    It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets anqueefad again.

  10. My church is roughly same size congregation, 50 plus or minus 10 on any given Sunday. I’ve carried the past 2 years with the Pastors knowledge and blessings.
    I don’t like getting bogged down in the “if only” and “what if’s”.
    What I do with these situations is take notes on who, what, where, and when so that I can logically “walk through” a similar scenario and make sure that it doesn’t happen here. Take the information and share it with the Ushers, Deacons, and Elders. Make sure the escape plans are considered at least once so that when the SHTF it isn’t chaos and confusion.
    Don’t think about the “why did he do this?”. Cause he’s an asshole, that’s why. To many people say “I can’t wrap my brain around this”. That’s good, you are a person who chooses to do good and be rational. Be glad that you can’t figure out why an asshole would be irrational. Just know that there is evil in the world and that at every moment we may be called to be the one and only person to put an end to that evil persons life. AND THAT’S OKAY.

  11. I read some posts he had.
    He had recently shaved off
    a full beard commenting that
    the reason was a “long story”.
    The eyes in his pics showed
    a partly closed dead-eyed look.
    SSRI’s or other drug use?
    He was a SJW and had atheist
    He murdered Christians on the
    big Antifa weekend.
    Ideas: Dumped Christianity
    then tried Islam, went athiest.
    On mind drugs all during. Hooked
    into Antifa, possibly from muz
    Murderous thoughts drug side
    effects with the religious disappointment and Antifa push
    for violence finished the job.

  12. The beauty in all of this is that no matter how many libtards gnash their teeth over guns and gun control, all of them know deep down they’ll never get them.

    This, is why they are perpetually butthurt.

    In a sense, the libtards are telling themselves to fuck off. I guess my feelings would be hurt too. Hahahaa – dipshits.

  13. I’m not going to say the media has ever been honest, but I do believe in the past many in the media were Christian. Same with the democrat party and sadly even some in the republican party. Our ancestors and we failed to guard the gate. We’ve allowed a country founded on Christianity to become a country full of evil people who despise us. Jesus forewarned us.

    So, you won’t see this being reported as an attack on Christians except for maybe a few on FOX.

    As for taking our guns, I don’t believe that will happen anytime soon, however if Democrats ever get control again I could see them passing something that attempts to practically disarm us. I also see them getting voted out in the next election if they do so. The problem is people forget and people let down their guard and they will keep coming back again and again until they’ve convinced enough people guns kill not people.
    They did it with gays, abortion(who’s the last democrat you heard being against abortion?), they tried to do it with Muslims but they just won’t quit killing people(remember even after 9-11 W said they were a peaceful people?), they’re trying their hardest to do it with transgenders.

    We’re living in dark times in this country and it’s going to get worse before it gets better, if it ever does get better.

  14. Anyone else have the feeling these atrocities are being planned and committed by liberals gun grabbers specifically in an attempt to force the government to start confiscating civilian firearms?

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