Fake News Edits Video To Make Trump Look Like the Ugly American – IOTW Report

Fake News Edits Video To Make Trump Look Like the Ugly American

The media isn’t even Koi about it. They hate the president and will seize any opportunity to try and make him look bad, stooping so low as to edit footage of president Trump “improperly” dumping a load of fish food into the pond in order to paint him as the Ugly American.

Here are some of the headlines:

Koi, stop that! Trump loses patience as he feeds the Japanese prime minister’s prized fish and dumps an entire container of food in a koi pond – and Twitter is not amused – The Daily Mail

Trump dump: president throws entire box of fish food into precious koi carp pond – The Guardian

Trump feeds fish, winds up pouring entire box of food into koi pond – CNN

Donald Trump Dumps Entire Box Of Food Into Pond, Angers Twitter – NDTV

Here are some of the tweets:

Adam Glickstein, a spokesman for a Democratic congressman, carped: ‘Trump can’t even feed fish right.’

And then there’s the video evidence, proving Trump is an ignorant lout.

So, that’s it. Trump is a boor, a Neandethal and an embarrassment. The evidence couldn’t be any clearer.

But wait!!

Notice how the Daily Mail video zooms in tight on Trump? Why would they do that? It looks like a digital zoom in editing, not a camera zoom.

Watch this clip and you’ll see how the media operates. You’ll see that the real embarrassment is the press.

Trump is actually following the Prime Minister’s lead.

Despicable media.

22 Comments on Fake News Edits Video To Make Trump Look Like the Ugly American

  1. The media is in really sorry shape, if they have to resort to this petty sort of sniping at the President of the United States of America – feeding fish?! Really?!?

    Thanks for showing the full vid.

  2. Remember when we would snub our noses at the “rag” newspapers on the rack as we checked out at the grocery? Looming on the “impulse items” display to tease our brains into wanted to know the latest dirt? They are still there, we just know they are trash. Now they are all rag papers. But the American public doesn’t seem to know the difference. When did we get so negative that we love all the ever increasing negativity? Does it take our minds off of the issues we should be dealing with in our own lives. Does pointing your finger make you feel better about yourself. Can we simply ask “is that true”. I suggest we all try “using your brain for a change”.

  3. None of the “journalists” I’ve met over the years were what I would call ‘normal’ or remotely likable. Most were alcoholics and/or on Prozac (disclosed on their medical histories).
    It must have alot to do with selling out one’s integrity.

  4. Even if he just dumped the entire box in who honestly is going to get their panties in a twist about that?

    We have a local nursery that has a big pond for them and he always gives kids cups of feed to feed them and thinks parents and grandparents should do it as well. I don’t have the patience to throw bits at a time and always dump the entire cup. I never knew I was doing something horribly bad. I like the guy but it’s annoying, I don’t want to feed the fish. lol

  5. File a complaint with the FCC. If enough people do it and it’s done often enough it will costt CNN and their masters piles of money defending their cases. From what I understand each case is a public record and has to be answered individually and that would cost a fortune so even if the FCC is staffed with liberals their budget would soon be in danger and questions would be asked in Congress. If Bannon does his job well Congress would not have members in any mood to be sympathetic to the FCC or the media. The same thing can happen when you see the periodic public service announcement that the station is renewing it’s license and this is where to email or write with any concerns. If it’s a mainstream media station then start writing with concerns and examples.

8 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Editing Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO) - The Right Side of News
  2. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Editing Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO) – New Right News
  3. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Modifying Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO) | CENSOREDWEB.COM
  4. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Modifying Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO) | WARFAREWEB.COM
  5. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Editing Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO) - Telzilla
  6. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Modifying Video to Make Trump Look Like… | CENSORED.TODAY
  7. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Editing Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO) - Conservative Army Supporters
  8. Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Editing Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO) | nani.today

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