Hair Art – IOTW Report

Hair Art

Laetitia KY from Abidjan, Ivory Coast has been gaining a following on Instagram with the many ways she has found to style her hair.

Using wires and many hours of braiding and shaping her hair, KY has come up with what seems like an infinite number of ways to display her hair designs.

Some top designs, Here

KY’s Instagram account, Here

17 Comments on Hair Art

  1. “How does she wash it?”
    Well, I’m glad you axed.

    It’s sort of like washing out a dish sponge. Soak it, squeeze shampoo on it, rinse, squeeze, repeat process with conditioner. It’s a lot of work. Same goes with the fake hair braids, but you may lose some in the process if you’re not careful. A friend of mine had them in high school. It was a pain in the ass. She finally took them out because they cause a lot of hair breakage around the temples and hairline because of the excessive weight.

  2. One of my friends often wore cornrows and he’d go nuts tap-tap-tapping them all the time because they itched and he didn’t dare scratch them or they’d come undone. I never asked how/if he washed his hair because it might have been racially insensitive (if you know what I mean) but I can’t stand to NOT wash my hair every day. And putting jerry (jerri? gheri?) curl on my hair? Not only no, but HELL NO!

  3. The first time I ever saw someone removing the hair braids I was quite amazed. This girl who went to school with my daughter during a softball tournament had her mother taking them out. These things went down to her butt and when they were all out her real hair was only about 2 or 3 inches long.
    It was probably racially insensitive of me to watch and be amazed at how short her hair was, but oh well just had to live up to my name. lol

    You’d think though that would hurt your head. I did wonder if they washed those things because she wore them every day.

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