Today I Learned … Jeepers Creepers – IOTW Report

Today I Learned … Jeepers Creepers

I remember running a thread a few years ago where we asked, “which movie scared you the most?”

Jeepers Creepers showed up on the list a couple of times.

Did you know the maker of the film, Victor Salva, was a convicted child molester, having forced oral sex with a 12 year-old male actor when he directed a movie called Clownhouse? I didn’t.

Salva admitted to the crime, did jail time, and then came right back to Hollywood and made the film Powder.

Then Jeepers Creepers.

Jeepers Creepers III just came out a couple of months ago, and it was directed by Victor Salva.

He ran into a bit of a snag, however, while trying to cast his movie. He made a call for 13 year-olds to come audition. They forced him to cast an 18 year-old in the part of the 13 year-old.

The people supporting Salva’s career say he’s paid his debt to society.

Is Jared still going to be the spokesperson for Subway when he gets out of prison?

He will have paid his debt to society.



12 Comments on Today I Learned … Jeepers Creepers

  1. The average term served for murder is 8 years and then they have “paid their debt to society.” Course, the murdered person has to stay dead.

    The pedophile’s victims are probably fucked for life (fucked up in the head – not trying to be funny). So, the freak’s “debt to society” doesn’t do the victims any fuckin good, whatsoever. How is this “justice?”

    This soul-destroying pervert should have been put down by the fathers of his victims (unless they were complicit – like a lot of Hollyweird parents).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. From Wikipedia: “Salva was expelled from the family at eighteen when he acknowledged his homosexuality to his mother and stepfather.”

    All ya need to know right there. He is the perfect model Hollywood citizen.

  3. Y’know…in the same spirit that
    photography created something “new”…but at the same time
    “ended” the Fine Arts (mainly painting and sculpture),

    …maybe we can invent something to “end” the era of cinema…
    something LIVE but with the same “drama”…
    something with public lynching, mauling, hanging etc. of “the old Hollywood”….
    we could call it “Lean Forwarding!”

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