Virginia Gubernatorial Results – IOTW Report

Virginia Gubernatorial Results

Update : 60% reporting. Gillespie down 5% points.
Virginia is a government workers paradise.
2017 Virginia gubernatorial election results-

Votes40% reporting:

Northam (Dem) –

51.2% 481808.

Gillespie (GOP)-

47.7% 449202.

Hyra (LP) –

1.1% 9893.

50 Comments on Virginia Gubernatorial Results

  1. With only 58% reporting and 42% uncounted, and candidates only 2% apart, FOX just eagerly declared Northam the winner.

    Polls closed only 1:15 ago. In busy precincts there may still be people inside waiting to vote.

    Watching Tucker. He’s happily on board with calling a race with 42% still uncounted.

  2. For Sale. 6 acre estate with beautiful home 3,000!sq ft on 13 acre lake. Kitchen remodeled and huge bathroom addition in first floor master suite. Separate outbuilding, insulated and dry walled, with Heat and AC. 840 sq ft.

    1/4 mile driveway well off the beaten path, but 25 minutes to Richmond and 55 minutes to DC.

    Now. Where am I moving to? Ugh

  3. Where is Corey Stewart when we need him? This gubernatorial race wasn’t about draining the swamp, but about how deep we will allow the swamp to get.
    @PHenry: Auction, no reserve: Statues of RE Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Must pick up in Charlottesville. Free local labor available to remove from pedestal providing successful bidder will reduce to scrap metal.

  4. The media thinks they have a referendum on Trump but the reality is Gillespie is the swamp. The only reason this became a race was the Dem is so vile with his absurd ad that couldn’t have worse timing with the NYC incident. The real referendum is don’t run establishment hacks. We know who they are and we don’t believe them. Conservative at election time liberal the other 90% of the time. They don’t get people excited to go vote and they don’t appeal to the Trump base.

  5. Of course The Left will claim this is a massive repudiation of Trump, yadayada.
    Brit Hume on FOX was gloating at proof of Trump’s “deep unpopularity “. Etc.

    I realize FOX mgmt is now center-Left. But just as a business model, if all they offer are Leftists in purple ties smugly rooting for Democrats, how do they hope to differentiate themselves from MSNBC/CNN?

  6. @rufus.

    Why would I care about fox and their positions or political leanings? You report news straight up or you don’t. As for Gillespie, throw that perennial loser on the scrap heap. Go away Gillespie.

  7. I’m sure this will sound naive of me, but did anybody actually believe a Republican would win Virginia? I mean, come on. Any state that would elect an idiot like McAuliffe isn’t going to pick a Republican. Even if he is a squishy RINO like Gillespie. This whole time I just assumed the Democrat winning was a foregone conclusion.

  8. @dianny. Virginia used to be a reliably red state. But the dc monster ate northern Virginia over the last 12+/- years, if not longer. They roll over the rest of this beautiful state.

    Anyone wanna enjoy me on the veranda for a stiff 🥃 before calling it a night?

    Virginia is NOT a blue state. Northern carpetbagger liberals are over running us. Beware. They’re coming for you all next.

  9. At this point it is way worse than the initial headlines. The Ds are taking 15 seats in the house at this point. Need 17 to flip it.
    And, yes a tranny is going to Richmond….what a disaster.

  10. The real referendum is on the Bush presidencies and their loyalists. Who has been out the last few weeks pimping a book and bragging about voting for Hillary or not voting? Who is bashing Trump and giving globalist speeches? How many people have been reminded they don’t want any more of that BS and simply will not hold their nose and pull the lever for them anymore.

  11. @PHenry. Congrats on a beautiful home. Stay put and enjoy it my friend.

    I expected we’d win this– close, but a win– for all the reasons we’ve posted earlier.
    With 80% now in, Northam is leading by a margin that’s suspiciously larger than even the most Dem-optimistic recent polls.

    PDT now tweeting from Asia that Gillespie never embraced Trump and didn’t represent MAGA.

    Back to the Swamp whence you came, Gillespie.

  12. @Dianny
    The fault lies with apathy/indolence here in the west. People just don’t get it. I know for a fact they don’t like the elites, but they don’t get that they need to vote or it will never change. Pisses me off to no end, I’m surrounded by lazy fucking idiots!

  13. Conspiracy Theory: Why is election day in the first week of muzzle loading season? Just saying… a good number of our good citizens in the hinterlands of Virginia are off work and off grid this week. These guys are good at procuring provisions for the winter and not so good at paperwork… like absentee ballots. You do the math. And then let’s look at who sets the dates for hunting season.

  14. Sounds to me like a bunch of RINOs should have jumped on the third party. The Trump Train. But seriously a Tranny that is a Civil Works advocate. WTF is that. California wouldn’t even vote that hard left.

  15. It’s worse than you think. It wasn’t just Gillespie. Fairfax, Lt Gov, won. An avowed socialist, reparations negro, really a nasty fuck won even after his own ticket dumped him.

    Virginia is in big trouble.

    Family meeting set for tomorrow.

    Last time my family left a place, Los Angeles 1969, after the assassinations of RFK, MLK, and the deadly rampage of Charles Manson. That place turned into hell.

    Recommendations welcome.

  16. PHenry, that’s the problem, where do you go when you leave home. So much to consider. I’m in western Washington, we’re lib as hell, but we have multiple generations of family here. And then weather is something to consider, I loved Alaska, but the winters don’t end some years. Montana is has a lot going for it but parts (Missoula) are really liberal. Wyoming has got a lot of great people, but the wind doesn’t stop blowing there. I’ve decided to stick it out here for another 10 years.

  17. Don’t blame the libertarians just because they don’t want to vote for some northern GOP establishment ex-lobbyist swamp thing. Put better candidates up than that if you really want to win.

  18. I appreciate everyone’s input. I love you all.
    Tomorrow it wife has I have decisions to make. It might take a road trip. Off to look for America. Probably not the same as 1968. Or thereabouts.

  19. I knew the left would win days ago. The fix was in. This is why the left was so shocked
    Trump won. There skill level at lying, cheating and stealing elections is first rate.
    How the fuck did Hillary lose?

  20. Calm down, PHenry. Even the Corrupt Clown McAulliffe didn’t do much damage. Drive a hundred miles, west, to the Shenandoah Valley, spend some time admiring the Blue Ridge, hike the George Washington National Forest and a bit of the Appalachians….? Drive the Blue Ridge Parkway…. ….talk to some farmers and hunters and…. Virginia will be fine. …..Lady in Red

  21. I don’t know all the dynamics in Virginia other than a lot of government workers live there. Government workers are 99.9% of the time are going to vote for a democrat. It is why the swamp will never be drained until all of these people are fired and you start filling jobs with true Americans.

    With that said, I had to laugh at Gillespie being someone who would work with Trump. He’s a Bushie through and through. You can’t get those voters who gave up long ago to come out and vote for a guy like that. How many people were turned off by seeing Bush campaign for him? I’m sorry I’m in a red state and I’m voting neither if my choices are a democrat or a Republican who thinks Bush campaigning for him is a good thing.

  22. Gillespie loss is being labeled a “Trump” loss by the usual #Nevertrumpers. The Right Poop, The Sweaty Thumb, even Drudge are all over it. How can this be a reflection on Trump? These were #Nevertrumpers running. Which is why they lost.

  23. Brad, this is a loss for the Bush establishment. I’m not really seeing anything to show the sky is falling or the tide is turning by results in Virginia or NJ.

    I’m seeing something about democrats winning special house elections in Georgia. I haven’t really looked into it yet to see if that should be concerning.

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