Graffiti “Artists” Awarded $80,000 From Property Owner – IOTW Report

Graffiti “Artists” Awarded $80,000 From Property Owner

A New York developer has to pay a number of graffiti artists, thanks to a jury hostile to property rights and the rarely applied Visual Artist Rights Act. The largest award of $80,000 went to Francisco Fernandez graffiti pictured above titled “Dreams of Oil.”

Damages were sought from the property owner after the developer whitewashed over the walls of his building. To establish the importance of the work and the extent of damages, the plaintiff brought in a number of art “experts” and an art buyer.


Other pieces of unwanted vandalism can be seen in this court document,  Here

20 Comments on Graffiti “Artists” Awarded $80,000 From Property Owner

  1. Why buy canvas and seek buyers and patrons for your art when you can paint on walls owned by other people and then force them to pay you if they don’t want your art?
    I hope the legal fees are higher than gallery commissions so these ‘artists’ get a lesson in capitalism, even if it isn’t the one about property rights.

  2. So I guess if you pass out drunk somewhere (or are under anesthesia) and a tattoo artist comes along and puts some “artwork” on your body while you are unconscious, you have to leave it there?

    Same principle, methinks.

    “New York, New York, it’s a Democrat town,
    Vandalism’s up and the morals are down.
    Your money’s sucked down into a hole in the ground.
    New York, New York, it’s a hole-sucking town!”


  3. Why would a developer whitewash over the walls of a building they didn’t own? Was there a work contract and the walls were not specified? Was this a neighboring building and whitewashed by accident?

    I think the building owner has the right and control over garbage painted on his own walls.

    Something is missing from the story.

  4. A jury of your peers – did anyone on this jury own property?! And how do you come up with damages up to $80k?! What is the cost of some spray paint to re-do the ‘art’. That would be the damage not some BS valuation for something that had no monetary value.

  5. ‘A NY Developer’ — think Trump’s name was evoked in this trial? Just ratchet up hate on the developer who must be at fault because he is rich and thus needs to pay the poor artists.

  6. Shoot em all on sight! Have you seen a freight train lately? Almost every car is tagged and there are hundreds of thousands of them. Have you seen pictures from all the shitholes in europe? All tagged. The shitholes in the mid east? All tagged. What they are saying is “this isn’t yours, it is ours so eff you.” Shoot ’em. Shoot ’em all!

  7. Just sneak out one night and spray paint something real big over their art. Like “Spacey f-cked me up the butt”. The neighborhood would force you to whitewash it the next day.

  8. I’d keep an eye on this through the appeals process. It strikes me that if the government passed a law handing rights on someone else’s property to artists, that could constitute a “taking” for which the government is liable to compensate the property owner.

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