Study shows sheep can recognize Barack Obama – IOTW Report

Study shows sheep can recognize Barack Obama

Is it in the sheep’s DNA, bred into them because of the many centuries of the Obama family having sneaky visits in the field?

Or does this mean that researchers can train sheep to identify pictures? What would be the benefit of that?

Oh, wait. I get it. With the rise of Muslims in the world, this is necessary in order for sheep to identify their rapists.

(Ya, I’m in a particularly surly mood today.)


Not that this should be any great surprise given that he was not only elected but reelected, a new study has found that sheep were able to recognize and respond to an image of former President Barack Obama.

The U.K.’s prestigious Cambridge University conducted a research project with the wooly four-legged creatures in which images of celebrities including Mr. Obama were shown to them and if they were able to recognize them, the animals would receive a food treat.

The hilarity over this study is for obvious reasons in that Democrats have much in common with sheep and there is no doubt that this story quickly be circulated via social media and elicit even more anger from the precious snowflakes who today are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the worst day of their lives – November 8, 2016.



18 Comments on Study shows sheep can recognize Barack Obama

  1. Farmer Brown in the Morning:

    “Mornin’ cows.”
    “Good Morning Farmer Brown!”

    “Mornin’ pigs.”
    “Good Morning Farmer Brown!”

    “Mornin’ sheep.”
    “Mornin’ Larry.”

    “Don’t listen to sheep. Ain’t nothin’ but liars!”

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