Did Takei admit it on Howard Stern? – IOTW Report

Did Takei admit it on Howard Stern?

Patriot Retort: Not moments after I posted about the allegation of rape against Mr. Sulu, I stumbled across a post at Mediaitethat included audio of George Takei on Howard Stern.

And I have to tell you, it sounds to me like Takei is admitting that he’s made unwanted sexual advances on men.

So much for the heartfelt denials.

You can go to Mediaite to listen to the audio. I’m not adding it.


But in the discussion about Harvey Weinstein, Takei claims that sexually harassing men on the job is wrong and something he’s never done.

Instead, he limits his unwanted sexual advances to the privacy of his home.

Which, I guess he thinks makes it okay.  More here

15 Comments on Did Takei admit it on Howard Stern?

  1. Someone, please remind us just how long ago this hypocritical homosexualist was lecturing Americans about tolerance and how normal his perverted lifestyle was for our progressive times. Hollywood, you have a problem!

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