NBC Treats Woman Like a Hero for Flipping Off Trump – IOTW Report

NBC Treats Woman Like a Hero for Flipping Off Trump

American Lookout: Remember the recent story about a woman who flipped off President Trump’s motorcade from her bike? Megyn Kelly just had to have this woman on her show for some reason.

News Busters reports:

NBC Treats Woman Like a Hero for Flipping Off Trump

On Thursday, NBC anchor Megyn Kelly welcomed Julie Briskman on her morning show, who gained 15 minutes of fame by giving President Trump’s motorcade the middle finger while out for a bike ride in northern Virginia. The studio audience cheered and applauded as Briskman told Kelly “it felt great” to make the obscene gesture to the commander-in-chief…

MEGYN KELLY: So she went for a bike ride near her Virginia home and wound up becoming a viral sensation. Her picture splashed across Twitter, Facebook, national and international newspapers and websites. Why? Because Julie Briskman decided, on a whim, to give the bird to President Trump’s passing motorcade.


Briskman – Briskman was head of social media for Akima LLC, but she says she was forced to resign for what she did on her private time. Joining me now to talk about it, Julie Briskman. Julie, thank you for being here.

JULIE BRISKMAN: Thank you so much for having me.  


25 Comments on NBC Treats Woman Like a Hero for Flipping Off Trump

  1. There must be a certain level of ratings, perhaps smaller than what is possible but easier to get, by trolling the gutters of society. Jerry Springer made a fortune off it, why not Megyn?

    A childhood friend gained notoriety last year for illegally pulling up Trump signs and then writing an article about it. “There were so many signs, it just didn’t seem fair.” She acknowledged that it was unfair and illegal for her to do so, but basked in the glow of all her friends’ support. I stayed out of it. Lefties are all like that – they want the type of equality that they personally get to define, and change on a whim.

  2. Whatever chance Kelly had to try to return to a conservative voice which would have gained viewers at NBC is pretty well gone now as she’s reverted to her hate Trump mantra. NBC is stuck now with this very highly paid hack which must be causing huge problems in the ranks of their other on air talent. Have fun with each other.

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