Roseanne Hints at a Bombshell About to Be Dropped Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Rings – IOTW Report

Roseanne Hints at a Bombshell About to Be Dropped Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Rings


Progressive-turned-conservative comedian Roseanne Barr suggests stunning revelations on child sex trafficking will come to light this week. 

“lots of ppl will become Woke AF this week,” tweeted Barr.

Earlier in the evening, Barr tweeted about how President Trump is strongly opposed to child sex trafficking. Barr then underscored how important it is to stop the suffering of innocent children.

“I perceived Hollywood’s sexism 2B so pervasive as to not even be noticed-it was class based discrimination, with racial undertones based in anti-semitic sado-spiritual necroPedoism. #ThisIsNowTrump opposes child trafficking & knows exactly where The Locos is-not many ppl r brave enough2 know, or remember or contain the information-most blank out. #MKULTRA. all that really matters is that we stop the suffering of the world’s innocent children. We can do it bc it’s the right thing 2 do & this is The Age of Aquarius. G0D is with us now. Let’s Roll-,” tweeted Barr.

Townhall contributor Liz Corkin noted in February that the media failed to cover the Trump administration’s efforts to crackdown on child sex trafficking. Surprise, surprise.

Townhall reports:

Since President Donald Trump has been sworn in on Jan. 20, authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States. This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?

As a strong advocate for sex crime victims, I’ve been closely following the pedophile arrests since Trump took office. There have been a staggering 1,500-plus arrests in one short month; compare that to less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests in 2014 according to the FBI.


HT/ All Too Much (and a special shout out to KPark, who has been monitoring these stories for a very long time.)

25 Comments on Roseanne Hints at a Bombshell About to Be Dropped Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Rings

  1. I think they’re worried about outing the Political party they are part of, they are Hired and fired by a Liberal code of Secrecy ! Are we waiting for Reporters to fire themselves or to switch Parties ?

  2. Sexual predators/deviants that received Medals of Freedom from Obama:
    – Bill Clinton
    – Bill Cosby
    – Harvey Weinstein
    – Anthony Weiner
    – Tiger Woods

    It’s great that there’s a new Sheriff in town.

  3. Look around and see how many damaged people (who were damaged as kids) and missing kids/adults there are in our supposed modern society.

    Where are they and what were they taken for? Satanism, the occult, cannibalism, sexual predators, and the like.

    PDJT has targeted and is making a difference.

  4. Wait……WHAT!!?? Rosanne, the Lesbian, never-Trumper, hasn’t-moved-to-Canadia-(yet), Hollyweird, Libtard……is now a CONSERVATIVE??!!
    Sorry, not buying that pig-in-a-poke (pun intended) without a HELL of a lot more background story. Leopards don’t change their G spots on a whim.
    She may be concerned about child sex trafficking, and willing to spill the beans on what she knows, but that alone doesn’t make her a conservative.
    But wait and see. I have been known to be wrong before.

  5. Conservative Rosie?
    Iz that like a toy ya buy on AMAZON???

    Yeah, I’m having a problem with that concept too, but I don’t doubt for a second that there are sick,twisted, power-drunk perverted rats out there who need to be outed!

  6. I think this whole sexual predator outing in Hollyweird is nothing more than a Clintonesque attempt to get ahead of the real damaging crimes still hidden from the public.

    What could it be? Child sacrifices to Baal? Gay Man-Boy orgies? I would put nothing past these degenerates.

    Don’t confuse Barr with Rosie O-Donnell. Roseanne Barr is on the Trump train.

  7. Folks the Speaker of The House, Dennis Hastert is a pedophile. They are everywhere in positions of power. I hope Trump rolls up half of the male DNC & RNC, two-thirds of Hollywood and half of teachers’ union members.

  8. Pedophilia is only a step up from abortion.
    The difference between killing your children and using them for sexual gratification is small and the nihilistic socialists have never had a problem bridging that minuscule gap.
    Mao was renowned for his pedophilia, as was Arafat (though he preferred boys).
    If God doesn’t exist, nothing is forbidden – NOTHING.
    And the nihilists (both socialist and otherwise) don’t “believe” in God.

    If President Trump attempts to root them out, the hue and cry will be far worse than the whining over ObolaCare and Tax “Reform,” for nihilism is rampant in both parties and especially in the “leadership” roles. McConnell and Ryan will be working prodigiously behind the scenes to circumvent any progress on this point – not because they are (necessarily) perverts, themselves, but because they’re aware of how many perverts infest Industry, Politics, Propaganda (Hollyweird and the Media), and Wall Street.
    Their fervent greed cannot be allowed to cool by treacly sentiment.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I don’t discount Roseanne’s concerns. It goes on in every segment of society. I hope that those people are exposed. Hopefully there are enough people who still cherish the children to expose and prosecute the perpetrators.

    However, I can’t help but wonder if this is another smoke screen to hide the U1 deal scandal. Nobody is talking about it anymore.

  10. A few years back, I recall Roseanne making a comment that the “average Billionaire” in her experience – is a pedophile. She’s had personal knowledge for a long time. And behind the scenes, yes, I think DJT has gone after the monster quietly behind the scenes.

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