How Can You Not, At Least, Be Amused By Our President? – IOTW Report

How Can You Not, At Least, Be Amused By Our President?

Who wore it better?

20 Comments on How Can You Not, At Least, Be Amused By Our President?

  1. President Trump has been hilarious throughout the campaign and now the presidency.
    The problem is his comedy goes right over the Leftist media’s heads. They don’t get it. So they take him too literally too often and turn things into hair on fire scandals. Which adds to the comedic value.

  2. As expected, the left is hyperventilating all over Twitter. It’s hilarious. POTUS plays them like a violin, and while they’re chasing their tails over his latest “outrageous” remark, he getting things done.

    ZOMG! Drumpf is going to start a nuclear war with N Korea!!!11!!!

  3. The subliminal message makes all the difference. PDT’s photo would not be as powerful if his buttons buttoned the same way H’s do.

    Just imagine for a moment his buttons buttoning the opposite way. I think it would be worse than H’s look.

    Supportive subliminal message from the buttons: “That’s a man, baby!”

  4. But of course it was Obama who fancied himself to be a comedian on the late night shows, responding to Trump.

    “President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!”

    “At least I’ll go down as a president,” Obama quipped.

  5. This is why UI love Trump! His come backs hit right at the heart in such naive ways that you can’t help but laugh at his jokes and pointed come backs. GO TRUMP!

    On my recent trip, a few people said “If only he would stop tweeting!” I asked them if they have the same privilege why should you do it and not the President? He says what you and I are thinking. No one said anything back to me about it. I gave them something to think about.

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