Mitch McConnell implies he may not seat Judge Roy Moore if he wins election – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell implies he may not seat Judge Roy Moore if he wins election

CFL: How far are establishment Republicans willing to go to keep Judge Roy Moore out of the Senate?  A report at the New York Times indicates that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., may not seat Moore even if he wins the election.  Moreover, Republican elites are trying to get the election pushed back.


According to the New York Times:

Republican senators and their advisers, in a flurry of phone calls, emails and text messages, discussed fielding a write-in candidate, pushing Alabama’s governor to delay the Dec. 12 special election or even not seating Mr. Moore at all should he be elected. In an interview, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, declined to say whether he would agree to seat Mr. Moore should he win. Mr. McConnell deferred a question about a possible write-in campaign by Senator Luther Strange, the current occupant of the seat, to Mr. Strange.

McConnell, by the way, supported Strange during the primary.  read more

41 Comments on Mitch McConnell implies he may not seat Judge Roy Moore if he wins election

  1. The one thing that Roy Moore has going for him as far as I’m concerned is the level of hatred that the rinos have for him. McConnell and his teammates need their ass handed to them.

  2. I believe McConnell actually wants a 1 person majority to force Trump to submit to the Senate or be impeached after 2018 if the Dems retake the House. I believe the Senate would vote to remove him if impeached.

    The swamp mistakenly believes that things will return to normal if Trump is removed. In fact, it would be the end of the GOP and the beginning of a very dark, chaotic period in America.

  3. I was not against Moore, but I wasn’t for Moore. I thought he pushed morals much like too many folks who say do as I say, but are smarmy. Kind of like televangelist that I wouldn’t trust driving my 49 year old, armed and karate trained daughter home two blocks.

    However, with all the smarmy poop the degenerate swamp critters are pushing, I’ve become full throttle Moore.

  4. What’s with these guys and their obsession with disenfranchising the electorate? I read somewhere that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. The ballot box is literally (and I mean that literally) the ONLY claim Yertle and his buddies have on popular consent.

    Nullifying elections means those who do it are assuming the mantle of unjust tyrants. They should consider carefully before heading down that road.

  5. I’m not an Alabama voter so my opinion is irrelevant. But I want him to win. Because America needs him in the Senate, not a Dem.

    The Uniparty RINOs and allied MSM are deploying all the dirty tricks to defeat him. Literally at all costs.
    That alone is enough for me to support Moore all the way.

    Poll at Breitbart today saying the smear campaign has had no effect and Moore is still unchanged with the same 10 point lead.

    Go Moore.

  6. Why is Moore being targeted so harshly? What’s so special about him?

    I think his faith and unwavering trust in America the way it was is close to an answer.

    Rinos are slimy filth infested scum who don’t deserve there offices because they have sold out and can’t stand to be put to shame by men like Judge Moore, VP Pence, and Potus Trump.

    Hey btw America – how that POTUS Trump working out for ya?

  7. It is the NYT. I don’t believe a damn thing they print. Moore will win, and he will be seated.

    The Turtle doesn’t have the guts to try such a thing.

    We need to grab the majority of the Senate seats up in 2018, and that includes primarying the Republican incumbents.

  8. McConnell works on Capitol Hill.

    Dear Senator McConnell,
    That is NOT the metaphorical hill
    you want to metaphorically die on.

    Enjoy a long, happy, RETIRED life!

  9. I and my entire family will give the legal limit to any Conservative who challenges this mentally deranged sloth of a TURTLE in a primary. This should land him in JAIL and certain deemed unfit to serve but of course we all know he only serves himself anyway!

  10. Now bear/ bare with me. “Purportedly” is one of those words that has been around for a long time, but rarely used in everyday chatter. But, purportedly, there is a series of photos floating around DC of Mitch McConnell, John Mc Cain, and Lindsay Graham whacking off in the Senate men’s room to a large photo of Rosa De Lauro. I haven’t seen it, but, purportedly, it’s out there. If any of y’all come across them please post.

  11. If McConnell refuses to seat Moore (assuming he wins) there will be bloodshed and it’s likely to be initiated by the left figuring it’s time to go for broke seeing as how they have McConnell wrapped up. For McConnell to even hint at this is as dangerous as hell.

  12. Sounds like a challenge. I hope the voters of AL swamp the polls, voting for Judge Moore.

    The time for McConnell to take his pompous, over-sized ego and leave!

    We’ve seen tyranny and it is THE SWAMP. Drain the sucker, President Trump.

    Nothing has so clearly illustrated the complete disregard of voters, as Mitch McConnell’s statement to not seat an ELECTED senator. Who the hell does he think he is?

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