For the Ladies – IOTW Report

For the Ladies

Pick the 5 men you think are the most representative of handsome men and drop their numbers in the comments.

We’re doing a little experiment.

82 Comments on For the Ladies

  1. 2 things:
    Joe6Pak is onto the idea behind the experiment.
    It looks to me that the women of iOTWreport are responding to the pictures in the inverse of how “pretty” they are. (single digit pictures are less fruity than double digit ones. 18, I guess, is arguable.) Women, real women, like men.

    The second thing we’ve found out is that if a guy has a nice haircut and is groomed, other men think they look like fags.

  2. Honestly? I need to know if they are Christian. Second, I need to know who they voted for. Third, I need a writing sample on the subject of American capitalism.

    Sex appeal starts in the brain.

    (I wasn’t attracted to any of them. Sorry, Fur. Most were very fruity looking.)

  3. Not represented by a photo, but should be, is ex-Sheriff David Clarke. He doesn’t have to pretend to be a tough-looking male. He is one, and sure beats out any one of those mostly scroungy-looking, self loving masculine fakes.

  4. For the purposes of the experiment it doesn’t matter if you think they all look fruity…
    The women are picking the guys who are closer to ordinary, less contrived, less fruity.
    I consider the experiment a success. Most are going for the single digit guys.

    With only a snapshot to go on, women are picking the guys that look less likely to be named
    Lou Spowells.

  5. 4 and 7 are the only ones I might give a smile to if I weren’t married for a half decade to a younger version of a Clint Eastwood. However 4 appears a bit soft around the edges, but he might put venison on my table.

  6. Mr. BFH, you are correct in your assessment. If the women posters here weren’t very strong women, we wouldn’t come here again and again. These awesome cretin males are strong.

    Strong women wisely choose men that we cannot emasculate with a one, two verbal punch or look. The wusses ran from us after one date, or we tossed them before they even got to that point.

    Let’s hear it for toxic masculinity ladies. Hip, hip, hooray!

  7. No redheads so, nothing here for me. Besides, most of them are too young for me. (As for aging, gingers: they go blond, not grey, keeping them handsome forever.)

    Some pleasant looking fellows there and one nice looking young nitwit with stupid hair who I might introduce to a nice young lady who might be able to introduce him to a barber.

  8. 10 and up look like I’d have to shoot and gut the deer while they puked their guts out and would probably scream if they saw a spider or a snake.
    4 and 9 I bet shoot and gut their own deer and blow snakes away with a shotgun.

    Looks fade over time, women need real men. 🙂

  9. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 alternate 15
    Some of the others have good lucks but look like gay boys, in other words, 10 through 18.
    I don’t like long hair on guys or a super groomed ‘I primp in the mirror look’ 11 needs a slap upside his head and some garden clippers on that asinine bun.

  10. Ruth and Eugenia,
    When I saw his pic in uniform on horseback I got warm and tingly all over. He’ s a hunk of real male pulchritude. When I hear him speak, oooh! The only guy who has ever evoked that is my blond/gray haired DH.

  11. I didn’t find any of them overly handsome but on a lighter note …

    I can honestly say that as I age and gradually lose my eyesight…

    My husband is getting more attractive every year.

  12. Late to the game,but here’s my pick, No.4
    he looks like he has a skill,Hunter or Farmer.Intelligent.
    Others are a bit too pretty.Ugh! can’t go by looks.
    Man Bun would be the first to go.

  13. Granny says that 4 and 7 are the only ones that don’t smoke sausage and the rest of ’em think grits is what you do if your buddy is a tryin to slam his fence post into your hole without any fatback drippins.

  14. No damn pretty boys who can’t pass a mirror without looking at themselves. Since I am older (68), like the older mature look – 1, 3, 5. 7.
    In my book, ponytails means liberal.

  15. 3, 5 & 6 – love me some actual masculinity! No beta males or pajama boys need apply.
    #17 has nice eyes, but, Dude, the shower, scissors and shaver are in the bathroom!
    Isn’t #8 Aaron Eckhart and #11 Jared Zeto?
    And yes, tRuth, to Sheriff Clarke. His smile is a WMD – Weapon of Mass Dissolution! Yum!

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