American Standoff – IOTW Report

American Standoff

A Bad Brad pick, this is a well made, compelling documentary about the Hammond/Bundy incident with Federal agents.
I just watched it.
It’s important viewing.
Shooting a man who was clearly acting out of concern for land rights and an imprisoned family (the Hammonds) was sadly a drastic measure taken by our Federal Government. Mrs. Hammond’s statement “I can’t imagine anything that could be bad enough that would be made better by the death of a man like Lavoy Finicum…” really sums up how I feel about this “disagreement” between The People, and our Government. I truly believe this incident went array due to poor judgment. I encourage people to watch Lavoy Fincicum’s videos, where he explains his position (prior to his death), and why he made the choices he did. Not once did I ever hear him utter a word or thought promoting violence. Actually, quite the opposite. America lost a fine man January 26, 2016. I truly hope that people will try to understand rather than condemn, and that our government uses this example in learning how to respond to future grievances. It was not okay to kill, incarcerate those who tried to reason…repeatedly…and finally unsuccessfully. Bundy did not protest solely with firearms, but instead repeatedly made his position clear that they would never shoot unless they were fired upon. This does not equate to a violent takeover, but one in which the “occupiers” aiming for freedom utilized their 2nd Amendment Right….PEACEFULLY. I love this country very much as well, and won’t give up hope that we can fix it while there is still time. To stand up for this country, and our Constitution, peacefully. RIP, Mr. Finicum.
It is amazing to see certain political party media still portraying the Hammonds as terrorist and not seeing how the Feds literally have been stealing their land for decades now and using the courthouse revolving door as a weapon to beat them down. I wish the Documentary had showed the Bundy Cattle getting shot and the Hammonds cattle being burned alive. They left out too much of the Federal abuses that caused these very well balanced people to take a stand…But the ending was perfect as far as the first Trial, all were found…Not Guilty. As that plants a seen in the minds of rational folks that realize the Jury sees so much more than the general public sees. LaVoy paid the ultimate price. I was hoping the show would point out how the FBI had 2 drones one with excellent quality video and the out of focus one, the latter being the one they decided to use to show the public what happened…They also failed to bring up the Oregon State Police and FBI both lying about taking shots at Lavoy and the pickup…The only reason I can think of is AT&T being worried about losing too many liberal customers… This all does not set well that Antifa and Black Lives Matter are still free to terrorize our cities…

Our gov’t is such a joke. If the gov’t lies to us, it’s politics, if we lie to them, it’s a felony. We are such a backward nation and it’s despicable.

13 Comments on American Standoff

  1. Nothing short of a complete and prolonged collapse can reset the corruped system. Such would cost millions of lives. I am neither calling for nor wishing for such, but nothing else will fix all that’s gone wrong.

  2. Swamp critters lie, that’s what they do. They need to protect their jobs and power that has been accumulated for decades. Finicum’s unfortunate death was a definite low point in governmental abuse, yet abuses still continue.

  3. The FBI has long ago gone rogue and any respect for them has been lost. They are no more than the governments bullies and thugs.
    When was the last time a government agent has been imprisoned for the kind of thug tactics demonstrated in a case similar to this. The best you can hope for is a dismissal of your charges leaving the same people free to repeat the acts. Things are beginning to get very dark.

  4. I forgot that the Hammond’s went back to jail to finish the full 5 year term. 5 years in prison for protecting your property. It’s incredible how heavily armed our government is, and how willing they are to take the fight to the citizens.

  5. Every American should watch that video of the Finicum execution.

    Every agent who participated should face justice.

    They had no intention of letting him live just as they rig the court against the Bundys every time a jury finds them innocent.

    Their goal is to keep them in jail until they die.

    Trump and Sessions should have ended this in January.

  6. We do have a two-class society, but it isn’t rich/poor or white/nonwhite. It’s state/nonstate or, as they like to think of it rulers/subjects. Anyone with the power of government behind them feels entitled to submission from the rest of us. It’s a natural result of human nature plus too much government. Human nature we can’t change much. Do we still have a chance to change the other? Once a voting majority thinks of themselves as part of state power, all hope of doing it at the ballot box is gone, and we’re getting close.

  7. For a long time I kept Lavoy’s video where he argues for freedom and property rights. He was a very intelligent and articulate man and everyone should have been listening. He was just as much a patriot as the founding fathers. Would’ve made an excellent judge.
    When will his executioners face justice?

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