Q: Wanna Shoot Some Hoops? A: Help. I’ve Been Triggered! – IOTW Report

Q: Wanna Shoot Some Hoops? A: Help. I’ve Been Triggered!

I would love to shoot some hoops. “Hoops” are stupid people, no?

From Zilla-

Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY has changed the name of its basketball mascot so as not to offend morons. The mascot is a red fox formerly named Shooter who is now called “Frankie” and reference to his original name has been memory-holed by the college. Surprisingly, students are pissed. I guess some people understand that Shooter in this context is a basketball reference and not a gun reference. The college was worried that they’d trigger stupid people. Link:

13 Comments on Q: Wanna Shoot Some Hoops? A: Help. I’ve Been Triggered!

  1. The students should do a little digging and find out the name of the person whose idea it first was to change the identity of the mascot. Advertise that name (and their supporters) in a very negative way and demonstrate against them outside their offices, inside their classromms, on twitter and facebook and letters to the editor. Make sure their names are front and center and question their judgement and intelligence and suitability to hold their jobs. Riducule and humiliate them.

  2. Marist. Don’t they produce political polling? Yes ma’am. The revered Marist poll.
    Latest results from Marist?
    57% of Americans think Trump’s policies favor the rich.

    I don’t care what this leftist college mascot’s name is. They throw up bricks.

  3. Reminds me of when they renamed the NBA Washington Bullets. That was long ago. PC has been on the ascendancy for a long time.

    Used to be the Baltimore Bullets and the name came from that city’s history for manufacturing munitions, used by the north to free the slaves. Supposedly.

    The idiocy and the lack of knowledge about history is disheartening. Maybe the lack of knowledge about anything.

  4. A panda walks into a bar and he orders a large vegetable salad full of shoots and leaves. The bartender asked the panda what he was doing, the panda tells the bartender to look it up in the dictionary. The dictionary says a panda is a small black and white bear from bear from Asia that eats shoots and leaves.

  5. I’m 71 and have been practicing shots from half court. I’ve gotten in as many as 15 of them.
    Of course, that doesn’t count the 100 plus misses to get the 15.
    I always refer to it as shooting hoops.

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