For anyone that doesn’t like their name – IOTW Report

For anyone that doesn’t like their name

Be grateful your name isn’t-

36 Comments on For anyone that doesn’t like their name

  1. Met a guy once, he introduced himself as Harry Beaver.
    I laughed and said: Yeah, right.
    He pulled out his wallet and produced his drivers license.
    Additional funny, it was at Merlin’s house.
    Boy was my face red.

  2. Does anyone remember the Indian (native American) lady Wilma Mankiller who you guessed it right looked like an enraged man hater and man killer? My favorite was an older gentleman who was called Mr. Goodbody who was crazy as a loon but totally harmless and lived across the busy downtown street from the Plasma center when my wife worked there back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. His claim to fame and story was he was a crazy Air Force veteran who would stand buck naked on the busy downtown street with nothing but a pair of boots and salute every plane that flew overhead. He was nuts but totally harmless and the Police would just make him cover up and take him back to his apt. They also had another native American lady Plasma donor who I’m not kidding you was named Wiki Waki Wildwoman.

  3. I actually knew a Mike Hunt that would call me at work (a retail store) and that the call be announced on the PA.

    “Mike Hunt in on Line 1. Mike Hunt is waiting on Line 1.”

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