Truck Owner With Message to Trump and His Voters Has Unhappy Ending – IOTW Report

Truck Owner With Message to Trump and His Voters Has Unhappy Ending

A woman cruising around Texas with a vulgar message to Trump and his voters became a person of interest for a Texas lawman.

After lots of complaints he decided to use Facebook to track her down. He was playing a hunch.

His instincts were correct.

Now she’s whining something about cops and  “people with money” doing her wrong. She sounds a lot like Bernie Sanders.

See why HERE.

35 Comments on Truck Owner With Message to Trump and His Voters Has Unhappy Ending

  1. “Karen Fonseca was arrested about 2 p.m. on an outstanding fraud warrant issued in August by the Rosenberg, Texas, Police Department, Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office records show.”

    How dumb are you that you ask for attention when you have warrants?!?! Fraud warrants. The type of crime that leaves a never-ending paper trail! LMAO.

  2. The media headlines and lead-ins are designed to give the impression that she was arrested simply for having an “anti-Trump” sign with the predictable reactions by the left hive and social media gang that Hitler v. 2.0 is here.

  3. I don’t put stickers on my vehicles or tattoos on my person. It’s just inviting road rage, getting keyed in a parking lot, or getting prejudged everywhere you go.

    OTOH, my wife has a bumpersticker of Boba Fett and another that says “Honk if you love dying and being dead.”

  4. It appears she doesn’t understand consequences, short term actions can have long term implications. Dumb, in other words. …Lady in Red

    PS: How disgusting is it to go grocery shopping, to birthday parties, to the library in a vehicle like that? Whew!

  5. The first part, OK, it’s free speech, the second part, fightin’ words.
    Why would you subject your vehicle to retribution for stupid speech?
    Rhetorical question, Progs never have shown much mental acuteness.
    My truck displays nothing but the factory installed badges and a state flag, sorta.
    You have to be short bus dumb to draw attention, when you have warrants.

  6. Yet…had Hillary won the office and someone dared to display a similar graphic “Fuck Hillary and Fuck you for voting for her!” on the backlight, the vehicle would have all its windows broken out, body panels kicked in, and tires flattened.

    Yet this women’s vehicle has sustained nary a scratch in the year it has displayed her sentiments.

    Weird, huh?

  7. Just screams I’m mentally imbalanced. No one is curtailing her free speech. You don’t need to post obscenities to make your point. She was looking for a fight and she lost.

  8. Just another Loser looking for attention and Liberal praise , she’s also getting serious mileage out of the Leo’s . Let some air out of those tires to match Obama’s standard !

  9. that is one truck NEVER seen in a church parking lot.

    Simpletons do this kind of thing. People with zero respect for others. That sticker is revolting, insulting. If that were an obamba sticker but they would have been hung on site.

  10. P*O*L*I*C*E S*T*A*T*E F*A*S*C*I*S*M!

    Stinks to high-heaven! I don’t like it one bit. Your car is your property and you can post anti-police stickers, anti-Trump stickers all you want. To give this person extra political scrutiny is ABUSIVE.

    What the police should have done.
    1. Mind their own business. (failing that)
    2. Tell the woman to remove the vulgarity WITHOUT collecting money for the city via a ticket. (failing that)
    3. Pick her up on outstanding warrant and dump her off at the courts. –continue to mind their own business.

    We don’t need police doing facebook investigations over a damn sticker!

    Just because someone calls the police DOESN’T MEAN the police need to babysit everybody.
    “Someone has an open-carry gun!” –so? Open carry is legal here dumbass.
    “Someone is leaving “It’s Okay to be White” fliers on kiosks!”
    –so what. That’s legal, now hang up.
    “Someone has an offensive sticker on their truck!”
    –stickers are legal asshat!

    Do the police ACTUALLY protect us and defend our rights anymore? Or is their primary job:
    1. Collection agents for city government.
    2. Political sticker monitors.
    3. After-the-fact crime investigators.

    Stop defending your sacred cows! Yes, Black Lives Matter terrorists are WORSE than the police, but you don’t need to choose sides. They are both pretty bad. Remember when Conservatives liked small, unobtrusive government? Not when it comes to the police! All those small government, “we have the right to defend ourselves” talking points are thrown in the garbage can for the police / nanny state.

  11. “There’s no law against freedom of speech, nothing in the law book here in Texas,” she told KHOU-TV. “I’ve been stopped numerous times, but they can’t write me a ticket.”

    So I wonder why none of the previous stops resulted in the discovery of the outstanding warrant. And why would police stop her if they couldn’t write a ticket? Could it be that she embellishes the truth?

  12. Half-Assed-Patriot – this is called simple addition, 1+1=2. Had she not had that sticker, nobody would know she had outstanding warrants, until she got stopped for something else. If you’re hiding from someone, even the cops, don’t advertise that you’re an idiot.

  13. It’s all her six ex-husbands’ fault.

    Hilary– and Shrill Manhating Feminism ™ generally– have produced a bumper crop of Stupid.
    All of them itching for a fight. Without ever having been in one.

    The results are as predictable as they are hilarious.

  14. She has every right to display the sticker. If you are offended, avert your eyes. But tell me Where that law professor has been when since agents of the state (universities) have been curtailing speeches by
    speakers with conservative views just because the may offend snowflakes?

  15. I remember all those “Fuck Obola and the Fag he Rode in On” stickers … oh … no I don’t …

    We had a lot of stickers like that around here. Most common?


    But usually limited to one sticker.

    You can tell how liberal a person is by how little of the car’s original paint is visible through the stickers. The stickers don’t even have to be political to tip you off.

    Personally, I’m like others here. No tats. No stickers. And for the same reasons.

    But I do appreciate others advertising they want flat tires.

    These days, every “Resist”, and otherwise Dem, stickered wind-up vehicle I’ve seen has an old lesbian at the wheel looking just like her.

  16. It’s pretty simple:

    The job of the police is not sticker monitor. She probably didn’t even know she had a warrant out for her. What was it for? If you don’t pay a parking ticket, you can have a warrant out. Big whoop.

    They are ALL stupid. Stupid sign, stupid offended citizens, stupid cop checking facebook, a stupid warrant, stupid money-grubbing courts.

    Is this pre-school or middle-school? Oh, I forgot. These are adults.

  17. The only sticker I have on my SUV (so far) is of the “Christian fish”, with a beard, and says “Cthulhu” inside. (I read a lot of HPLovecraft, horror, and scifi)

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