Orrin Hatch Goes Off on Sherrod Brown For Playing Tired “Tax Cuts For the Rich” card – IOTW Report

Orrin Hatch Goes Off on Sherrod Brown For Playing Tired “Tax Cuts For the Rich” card

ht/ illustr8r

17 Comments on Orrin Hatch Goes Off on Sherrod Brown For Playing Tired “Tax Cuts For the Rich” card

  1. Well, we’ve still got the damn “carried interest” loop hole. Trump complained about that throughout his campaign, promised it would disappear.

    But, in both the House and Senate bill, it’s there. (Of course, Trump is not a member of the UniParty. Trump couldn’t kill it alone…) ….Lady in Red

  2. I despise Shitrod Brown. Once he campaigned in Medina city. I had the pleasure of lecturing him about the need for ccw so women could protect themselves. This was before ccw passed in Ohio. It drew a little crowd of supporters some with NRA caps. Shitrod decided to pack up and leave with his armed minder in tow.

  3. What. Was he proving he still has a pulse?

    Don’t get me wrong – I’d rather deal with him than Brown any day, but he and his brethren have been AWOL for too long.

    I’m sick of how issues around wealth are couched in the language of envy; “THREE people have as much wealth as the bottom half of the country”, or some such. No, you don’t. Three people have proven capable of generating that much wealth, employing thousands of others.

    Get a clue, Hatch.

  4. Stewart Varney, who of course comes from Jolly Olde England, commented this morning, after airing this exchange, that he was alarmed — as am I — over class warfare being inculcated by the Left and how that’s not something you normally associate with American culture. No, it’s not. In fact it’s the one thing, the lack of it, that has been the bulwark against inroads made in the past by the Left, by communists. It’s always been the class mobility of America — the ability for anyone to rise above their beginnings — that is the bedrock of American Exceptionalism. I think it was Lenin or Stalin (probably the latter) who lamented the absence of class, or the mobility of class, in furthering the aims of communism in this country.

    Wait a minute. I remember an Imprimus issue that has an excellent essay on this: “Restoring America’s Economic Mobility” https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/restoring-americas-economic-mobility/

    Having said all that…I haven’t been following the tax reform package as closely as I should. I’ve been more interested, I think, in seeing if the House has gotten its act together since the failed health insurance vote.

  5. You tell him, Orrin. Because the guy who’s replacing you, Mitt Romney, who has a bunch of big houses and a car elevator, and who didn’t hug his garbage man, it too nice and privileged to tell him.

  6. About time Hatch did something decent. We’re stuck with idiot Brown here in Ohio because we’ve got a lot of stupid voters up here in the northern part of the state. BTW – You’ll see the following title usually: “Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)”, but it ought to be more like “Senator Sherrod Brown (D’OH!). Homer Simpson would make a better Senator that this douchenozzle.

  7. “carried interest loophole” is not a loophole. LIR is one of the most ignorant posters here. She is someone who has never had investment success and falls for just about every leftist talking point out there if she falls for that one – and she did.
    She probably things “assault rifles” are “bad” and that “woman’s right to choose” isn’t murder.

    oh wait. She believes both.

  8. Senator Orrin Hatch is absolutely correct about the false class warfare that the Democrats have been trotting out for eighty years whenever tax reform is proposed. However, Hatch and Teddy Kennedy were great pals. Nothing Hatch can ever accomplish will make right that wrong in my mind. The “Lion of the Senate” and his “Mormon Enabler” is more like it. How could anyone with a hint of morality overlook Teddy’s moral turpitude? Mittens will be an improvement, if only because he doesn’t have decades of baggage dragging him down like Orrin Hatch has after years of compromising with the likes of Kennedy, Dodd and Reid. It’s the Old Stoopid Bastids Club up there in the Capital of Compromises.

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