Did a democrat gubernatorial candidate just say he had sex with Senator Bob Taft??? – IOTW Report

Did a democrat gubernatorial candidate just say he had sex with Senator Bob Taft???

An Ohio democrat running for governor seemingly bragged about having sex with 50 women as well as having sex with Senator Bob Taft Sr…. in a hayloft.

The bizarre claim was made in a Facebook post.

Look for yourself-

Okay, so it’s not exactly what he said. I just truncated it a bit in order to poke a little fun at the stud.

Here’s the dope’s full statement-

Wanna see this playa?

Control yourselves, ladies.

More at Downtrend.

10 Comments on Did a democrat gubernatorial candidate just say he had sex with Senator Bob Taft???

  1. I’m sure this with galvanize his base and shoo him directly into office. He seems highly qualified to be a democrat politician. I hope his republican candidate kicks his ass. And really, only 50 women, Bill, for a politician your a amateur. The pros screw the whole nation every day.

  2. He banged an awful lot of hot women, but Bob Taft seems to have been his “#1”. GThat’s not heterosexual! He’d fit well in Sunnyvale Trailer Park, where Supervisor Jim Lahey, Assistant Supervisor Randy Bo-Bandy, and caveman / veterinarian Sam Losco can all proudly say they’ve swung both ways!

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