Florida’s Dem Chairman Sex Scandal – IOTW Report

Florida’s Dem Chairman Sex Scandal

Has anyone heard from Debbie?

Frontpage: Will the last man left in the Democrat Party turn out the lights? It won’t be the Florida chair who was forced to resign after becoming the latest casualty of the sexual harassment scandals.

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Stephen Bittel resigned on Friday in the face of a torrent of top Democrats — including the entire 2018 gubernatorial field — demanding he step down from the high-level post.

His resignation follows a POLITICO report published Thursday night that he had a history of making demeaning remarks toward women, according to former party staffers and consultants.

“When my personal situation becomes distracting to our core mission of electing Democrats and making Florida better, it is time for me to step aside,” Bittel said in a statement.

There are quite a few of those distractions.

Nelson and Wasserman Schultz could not be reached for comment Friday.

Odd how that is.

Bittel is so-well connected that the state’s best-known Democrats, Sen. Bill Nelson and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, call him friends and he has hosted President Obama and Vice President Biden at his home. Privately, many women weren’t as much awestruck by Bittel as turned off.

“He’s just so f—-ng creepy,” said a former female party staffer, anger palpable in her tone. “He just leers at you, and stares. I don’t know if you know what that feels like, but he just leers at you. I don’t know how to describe the feeling.”

I’m sorry, for a moment I accidentally read that as Biden. Still Bittel did have a key qualifier for leadership in the political party of the perpetually aggrieved and upset. A private jet.  MORE

SNIP: Is anyone keeping score of the political D’s vs R’s  getting accused? Seems the D’s are smoking the competition in this case.

9 Comments on Florida’s Dem Chairman Sex Scandal

  1. In Star Trek analogies, I see DWS more as the Salt Vampire who uses mind control to shapeshift into whatever identity its intended victims will trust and not flee from.

    In fact that’s the Left in a nutshell.

    Phasers set to Maximum. Shoot on sight.

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