Another socialist monster thrown out – IOTW Report

Another socialist monster thrown out

American Thinker; 

Zimbabwe’s hideous 93-year-old dictator, Robert Mugabe, was given until noon Monday by his former security chief to pack his bags or leave the Ceaucescu way.


If Mugabe refused to go, “We will bring back the crowds and they will do their business,” Mutsvangwa told reporters.

Reuters continued:

[Emmerson] Mnangagwa, a former state security chief known as “The Crocodile,” is expected to head an interim post-Mugabe unity government that will focus on rebuilding ties with the outside world and stabilising an economy in freefall.

What a pathetic miserable end to one of the world’s most odious thugs in power. Hailed by the left as a new kind of socialist liberationist, he was nothing but a monster, not only to the white farmers he persecuted, but to every citizen in the country, blacks and whites alike.

Mugabe, the Reuters report noted, bragged he had a ‘degree in violence.’


18 Comments on Another socialist monster thrown out

  1. Sooooo … the “Crocodile” takes over from the monster?
    Not sure that “Crocodile” is a term of endearment in Zimbabwe.

    Like trading B. Hussein Obola for H. Rodham Clinton – SHEESH!
    I wonder how many Americans realize how close we came to total dissolution?
    Poor Zimbabweans are probably wishing they had a Trump! Maybe we should send them the NFL?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim November 20, 2017 at 8:43 am

    > I wonder how many Americans realize how close we came to total dissolution?

    Like loyal Americans… patriotic Americans… Constitution licking Americans, would actually roll off the couch and take to the street.

  3. feed him and his wife to the vultures, crocs or hyenas. Don’t tell PETA though. I am not sure that this ends up well at all. Gotta be concerned with a gut call crocodile.

  4. Yeah well, they deserved him! They put up with his dirty, murderous, thieving, corrupt and evil ways for a good many, many, years! We only put up with his clone Hussein Obutthole for eight years!

  5. Rhodesia was the breadbasket of southern Africa. Zimbabwe is a basket case. The Munts ( Mdbele or Matabele for “our people” ) made it happen. It won’t become the breadbasket of southern Africa again no matter who is running Zimbabwe.

  6. A Presidential vacancy you say in Zimbabwe! It would appear that wicked and evil old Shillary will now have a chance to become a President after all and it won’t be on planet earth #2!!

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