Ben Shapiro Can’t Entertain the Possibility That He is Wrong – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro Can’t Entertain the Possibility That He is Wrong

Ben Shapiro writes an appeal in the National Review urging voters to torpedo Roy Moore because Ben has weighed “what we know so far” and has determined Roy Moore is a child molester. But what if Shapiro is wrong?

Shapiro doesn’t ever seem to hesitate for a moment to contemplate whether he is wrong or not once he’s in proselytizing mode. Moore’s head goes on a pike, and we must join him in putting it there.

Shapiro doesn’t simply offer up his opinions on a topic. He offers up what your opinions should be. This is a common thread with his writing. Shapiro’s tomes drip with self-righteousness. (It’s a race to the finish line between Matt Walsh and himself to see who gets to wear the garland on their head.)

Here’s Shapiro:

You get to decide whether Corfman’s claims are credible, or whether Moore’s denials are. Or you can say that you don’t have enough evidence to make a judgment — which is making a default judgment against the credibility of claims as they currently stand.


If you listen to Corfman and think, “it’s a compelling story, and horrendous if true, but I need to have a little bit of irrefutable evidence before I’m willing to destroy a man’s life.”

Have you said the accuser is a liar? According to Shapiro you have, and I’m told he’s a lawyer. (Robin Ridless, writing for American Thinker, thinks Ben has been watching too much Judge Judy.)

But what if you were making a judgment, by default or otherwise, against the credibility of claims as they currently stand? Is this verboten?

I guess Ben has taken it upon himself that the conservative position is that we believe all women when accusing men of rape, which is essentially the left’s opinion. Ben, according to Ben, is the exemplary conservative, but seems to possess this questionable position.

Why don’t we believe men, by default, when they accuse another man of a crime that happened 40 years ago? What’s with the unequal protection under the “court of public opinion”?

I guess this is the time to point out that these are not little 13 and 14 year old girls making these accusations. These are grown women claiming something happened to them 40 years ago. But would it make any difference if they were teens?

Steven Pagones says, slow your roll, I think I know a thing or two about being accused of rape by a teen.

Shapiro: Moore hasn’t been convicted of anything, and due process requires us to consider him innocent until proven guilty. This argument is empty, because our decision to vote for or against a particular candidate doesn’t require due process — Hillary Clinton wasn’t convicted of anything, either, except in the minds of the public. Due process determines whether you go to jail. The public determines whether it thinks politicians ought to be handed power.

Unless you are on trial, we get to formulate an opinion as to someone’s innocence or guilt. But if you determine Moore is innocent, you’ll be subjected to the passive aggressive wrath of Shapiro-

How will Republicans decide on Roy Moore? Perhaps they’ll convince themselves that Moore is innocent; perhaps they’ll convince themselves that the ends justify the means.
Or perhaps they’ll make an objective judgment about the allegations against Moore and remind themselves that character still matters in life and even in politics.
I pray for the latter.

If you think Moore is innocent you’re just not being objective enough. You’re too narrow-minded to see that Moore has no character.

This last bit is interesting. Shapiro is horrified that someone could hold the David Horowitz opinion. (Pay attention to the text I italicized.)

Finally, there’s the third argument, which is the most honest and also the most morally horrifying: David Horowitz’s argument that Democrats are so disgusting that even if Moore did it, he wouldn’t care, because the Democrats must be stopped.

This binary thinking would justify a vote for anyone who votes the right way on legislation; President Trump could have literally shot someone on Fifth Avenue, and Horowitz would have supported him. In this view, character doesn’t matter at all and we aren’t destroying the social fabric of the country when we prize policy outcomes over basic decency.

In fact, the Horowitz angle holds that basic decency can be ensured only by desired policy outcomes: All that matters is politics. This argument goes too far. If we’re really at the point in American politics where political opposition requires electing credibly accused child molesters, then we ought to put down ballots and pick up guns. Any evil so grave that we must elect sexual abusers to stop it is an evil that merits a violent response.

Uhhhh, we’re at that point. Do I start shooting, or should we elect Moore?

Maybe Moore did what he did 40 years ago. I don’t know for sure.

Are there any recent allegations? Maybe he’s repented.

Tell ya what. I won’t go full Horowitz. I’ll take a repentant and rehabilitated sexual assaulter over a lefty.


61 Comments on Ben Shapiro Can’t Entertain the Possibility That He is Wrong

  1. Yeah, whatever Benny. Still Never-Trump, I see. If Moore wasn’t such a Trump fan he wouldn’t pay attention to Moore at all.

    I’m going to wait for ACTUAL proof. Not some drama queen who shows up with Gloria Allred. AYFKM?
    If we banish R’s and C’s to the woods every time there’s an accusation, why the fuck do we have the Republican party? Why does anyone run if an accusation without proof is going to destroy them? It’s such an old played out trick, and I see it still works on the weak-minded like Shapiro.

  2. 1. Between this and the Michelle Fields incident where he and several others tried to destroy Corey Lewandowski’s life it is crystal clear that Lil Ben adheres more to “listen and believe” than to due process.

    2. Let us assume that everything about Moore is true and that this isn’t a smear job from McConnell. So what. The left has had Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Frank Dodd, and now Al Franken. Hell, they had Biden groping children on live television and no one said a word. If the left is allowed to have sexual deviants, why isn’t the right?

  3. I don’t even believe (without evidence) half the shit Dems are being accused with right now (harassment, rape) unless the Dem admits it. But I’m supposed to believe the accuser of Moore who shows up with a yearbook that was not tested for authenticity, who has a well-known grifter of a lawyer who she herself doesn’t believe the yearbook story and never asked her about it… I’m supposed to believe her and not Moore?

    Evidence. Proof. Justice. We used to pay attention to and demand those things before we started electing dynasties and constantly let criminal people off the hook.

  4. If all it takes to stop a man running for office is for someone to make a charge of sexual abuse, and we “must” believe the charges, we are sunk as a nation. There is no defense against the charges except to discredit the accuser; a lose-lose proposition.

  5. Inquisitr:

    In the startling Elizabeth Taylor tell-all currently selling like hot-cakes on Amazon, the authors claim that then-actor Reagan invited a teenage Liz to have dinner at his home. It was there that a young Taylor seduced Reagan, who was married at the time to his first wife, Academy Award winning actress Jane Wyman. The London Daily Express reprinted an excerpt from the tell-all book detailing Liz’s reflections on the encounter: “Reagan was treating me like a grown woman, and that thrilled me. We sat on his sofa and I could tell he wanted to get it on but he seemed reluctant to make the first move. I became the aggressor. After a heavy make-out session on the sofa, we went into the bedroom.”


    If I say I don’t believe Elizabeth Taylor am I not being objective enough?

    If this came out a month before a Reagan election bid would the pure-as- the-drive- snow Shapiro throw up his hands and say we have no alternative but to allow Mondale to win?

  6. Here is a “take” I haven’t considered and believe me because I live in Alabama, I have heard them all. First, I am voting for Roy Moore so let me get that off the table. Now, consider this–you lily livered Republicans (who I believe are behind this). We do NOT want Doug Jones but here is why (besides the obvious), IF Dougie wins these women will be never heard from again IF Moore is elected, the usual suspects will continue to investigate. So, if you want the women to get justice then you need to vote for Moore. How about that?!!
    Ben Shapiro can go take a hike as far as I am concerned. We, the people of Alabama, do not need anyone to tell us how to vote so STOP IT.

  7. I heard a liberal commentator today say “For the good of the country, how can you vote for Roy Moore?”

    Well Moore is for: controlled immigration; conservative judiciary; strong national defense; smaller government; smaller taxation.

    His opponent is not.

    So I kinda hate Moore. He’s a weirdo. I wish he didn’t win the nomination.

    But I hate a liberal Senate even more.

  8. Exactly, Corky.

    Where are the Cain accusers?
    If they were telling the truth they received no justice.

    Call me stupid, and un-objective, but it was almost as if all they wanted was Cain out of the picture.

  9. I don’t know if he is guilty or not but many things are a little confusing….the fact that McConnel came out with immediate condemnation is one and the other god forbid someone brings up the fact that IT IS ONE MONTH OUT OF A SPECIAL ELECTION THAT THE DEMS DESPERATELY NEED TO WIN!!!!

  10. So I kinda hate Moore. He’s a weirdo. I wish he didn’t win the nomination.

    But I hate a liberal Senate even more.>>>

    My sentiments as well.
    Moore is not my guy, but it’s all we have. And if he pulls the lever for my best interests, GREAT!!

    Would you rather have had a guy who tried to get busy with a high school girl deciding the last vote on the fate of Obamacare, or that piece of shit scum John McCain.
    Not even close.
    I would have elected Manson if it meant that last vote going differently.

  11. Liars, liars abound from both sides of the aisle.

    Personally I rely on my own intuition in all matters unless proof I can view with my own eyes is presented.
    I’ve lived long enough to understand people lie for various reasons; some to avoid the doghouse, some conflate their own importance (BS artists), others to con for their own gain, and those who smear their perceived enemies.

    I detest a liar above all other character flaws and I can detect a BSer from a mile away. I certainly don’t require a midget full of helium to break it down for me.

  12. Shapiro has always been self-righteous and arrogant. A long time ago, before he got famous he wrote some lame opinion I totally disagreed with and he wouldn’t respond to my e-mail. I haven’t given him the time of day since.

  13. “Shapiro doesn’t simply offer up his opinions on a topic. He offers up what your opinions should be. This is a common thread with his writing.”

    How is this description of Shapiro any different than any random number of Democrats? It isn’t.

    I like Moore and it’s about time, I think, we had someone in the Congress who considers the moral foundation of policy. Unfortunately, when people think of “moral” per se, they think of over-the-top evangelical fervor or zealotry. Every single policy issue has a moral foundation, and it’s either furthering a better moral climate in our society or it’s not, and it has nothing to do with religion.

  14. “character doesn’t matter at all and we aren’t destroying the social fabric of the country when we prize policy outcomes over basic decency.”

    Somebody punch him in the nose.

  15. I don’t know who Ben Shapiro is or where he came from. Sometimes I agree with somethings he says. Not in this instance, tho.
    But, one thing I know for sure, the first time I heard his voice I thought my phone was having audio problems.

  16. Ben and Michael Medved have some kind of mutual admiration society going where they egg each other on in their third way kind of rightwingish goodygoodyism. They are so very superior.

  17. Now there a photo of an A-hole that needs a punch to wipe the smirk off his face.

    I usually don’t waste my time reading the tripe posted by people like Ben Shapiro, George Will, et. al. They pretend to have principles when the have none. They are shills for the establishment swamp. It’s where their bread is buttered.

    These are the same people who were encouraging republicans to vote for Hillary, so the Republican Party could be “purified” of Trump, and his followers, for the 2020 election. I shudder when I think what America would look like in 2020 had HRC won.

    I pragmatic, like Horowitz and Mo Brooks. Roy Moore may not be my guy, but he will back MAGA, and his opponent will not.

    I am praying Alabama elects Moore.

  18. Stringing together a bunch of accusers from the past who level the worst possible charges with zero evidence–notice how it’s never a bunch of accountants or debt collectors–is a political tactic which must be disccouraged as strongly as possible by the electorate. The only way the Dems will stop doing it is if they lose every time they try. Sorry ladies, but your problems should have been addressed by juries long ago, not voters today.

  19. @MJA, “AYFKM?” deserves an exclamation point.

    It’s indisputable: Dirty politics, slander and perjury have frequently and regularly been part of our elections since Jefferson v Adams.
    What would motivate each party must be considered above all and that no lie is too big to be discounted. Particularly in these times with so much at stake. And there’s mental illness.

    And as someone stated prior, if the GOP can always be expected to surrender, every fricken time, why should they even exist?!

  20. I’m not familiar with Shapiro or his work but most, if not all, who write honestly do believe that what they write is what is. Otherwise, why write?
    If I write that H. Rodham Clinton is a crook, and list 100 examples, someone from the traitor-side of the writing world will expostulate 101 examples of her NOT doing a criminal act.
    And so it goes.
    If 17 women accuse Al Franken of fondling their tits without their consent, the Frankenforces will trot out 20 women who will claim that Franken DID’T fondle their tits without their consent.

    Apparently Mr. Shapiro supports the “soft” side of nihilistic totalitarianism but hasn’t the courage to just come right out and declare. Thus he takes pot-shots at Moore, knowing that Moore has principles and is more inclined towards a Constitutional Republic than some weird amalgamation of authoritarian oligarchy.

    Just my observations without knowing either of the belligerents.
    (see how impartial and objective I can be?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  21. Why did they supposedly wait for 40 years, etc., to come forward with an unverifiable tale? Because they are lying but want that 15 minutes of pseudo-fame that so many weak minded people now desperately seek! Why else was the gong show so successful? No talent losers getting some public notoriety and notice!

  22. @MJA November 20, 2017 at 11:45 am

    > why the fuck do we have the Republican party?

    So the lazy drama queens, who would never vote for the Democrats, because they’re Democrats, can vote for the Not The Democrats, and still support patriotic communism.

  23. Shapiro makes some very good points most of the time.

    I don’t care, as such, that he does not like Milo. What I don’t like is that Shapiro basically says, “All that homo weird guy who has lots of strange ideas and is a danger to society does is make ad-hominum attacks on people.”

    With the Moore situation, Shapiro knows how Democrats operate but he is going along with them anyway because Roy Moore is not part of the approved spineless group. By Shapiro’s logic Clarence Thomas should have withdrawn his nomination for the SCOTUS.

  24. Shapiro has a destiny. He’ll fulfill it on a rooftop in Cairo.

    National Freaking Review.


    Michelle Fields frame-up accomplice.

    Helium abusing closet Leftist defeatist mole.

    I suspect he’s touched a LOT of pee-pees.

    The DNC/Podesta Group probably has the list, the affidavits and the Snapchat screenshots.

  25. PredicitIt “a real-money binary-options prediction market that tests your knowledge of political events by letting you buy and trade shares”…..has ole Roy up by ten points. ….Lady in Red

  26. I have one question for Ben. If Moore didn’t have any sex allegations against him would he vote for him?>>>

    Shapiro hid behind “pussy” so he didn’t have to admit he wouldn’t have supported Trump if Trump didn’t have what Ben believed was moral baggage.

  27. Put me into the disgusting category.

    I haven’t heard about blood, broken bones, or actual rape, or anything recent that would bear on CURRENT character issues.

    Given that, there are higher priorities than allegations about something otherwise relatively innocuous that may or may not have happened during an hour of a woman’s life 40 years ago.

  28. ben shapiro has no principles, it is as simple as that. It is enough to just ignore the prick, his mangled logic writing is not helpful and a waste of time to anyone other than the word counters.

  29. I prefer the view of John Dietrich, American Thinker, 11/12/2017.
    “The Swamp accepts (Leigh) Corfman’s allegations without reservations. No one from the Swamp asked,’Why is this coming out now?’ After 38 years, is it possible that the memories of a girl from a broken home might be distorted. Corfman has been divorced three times and has been plagued by financial problems. She blames her chaotic teenage recklessness,drinking, drug abuse, promiscuity and a suicide attempt on Moore. By contrast Moore is a West Point graduate, a Vietnam veteran, a law school graduate and what some would describe a ‘holy roller.’ This is not to say that ‘holy rollers have not been known to ‘misbehave.’ People have to decide who is more credible.”
    Let me add that Judge Moore came to national attention by defying atheists regarding his stance for The Ten Commandments. That made him a “weirdo” in the eyes of the East and West coast elites. The fact that he wears a cowboy hat and speaks Alabamian, not Haarvaard, makes him a “weirdo.”
    I am an unapologetic Moore supporter and doner, and yes, I can be judgemental, which is not a sin in my books. I just pray that the great people of Alabama see through all this bullshit and vote Judge Moore into office.

  30. There may be things in Moore’s past that are cringe worthy and not necessarily criminal. If he is a serial molestator, wouldn’t he have a record by now? Even with a cover up perverts are too compulsive to not get the attention of law enforcement. Besides, most communities in America have their on “special justice” for perverts and it’s doubtful Roy Moore would have escaped it. There is no indication Moore is currently “chasing skirt”. He’s apparently a faithful Christian, father and husband and has an excellent record as a judge who supports the U.S. Contitution. Conservatives looking to believe accusations against Moore by RINOs, CINOs and Democrats should question their own motives.

  31. Shapiro has a Pee Wee Herman vibe going on and Rufus T. Firefly might be close to the truth. Yeah, Shapiro has a conservative take on most issues, but a progressive ideology is his primary motivation. His narrow-minded opinion of President Trump and his supporters is obnoxious.

  32. Yep. I go along with Moe Tom as well. More so on the first comment – but lean heavily his way on the second comment too.

    ‘Kay, now I’m gonna read the comments I missed in between reading this earlier and now.

  33. Pbird, all I know is Shapiro sets off my Gaydar. Also my wife’s…and she is seldom wrong.

    Big city gay bars are always full of high-voiced prissy guys with some wife and kids at home.
    Just sayin’.
    I won’t be surprised if he’s outed by some guy he met on GRINDR.

  34. There are a number of gay men living a “downlow” lifestyle – a “beard” wife and kids in tow. Former pResident Barrack Obama has lived this way for years.

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