Public-sector fat cats celebrate Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

Public-sector fat cats celebrate Thanksgiving

American Thinker: It used to be that, not long ago, Thanksgiving was a brief, one-day event.  You ate turkey in the afternoon, watched football into the evening, then went back to work the next day, and life went on.  Fast-forward three decades later.  Today, the holiday stretches out for eleven straight days, starting the Friday before the Thanksgiving day week, clogging roads with $100,000-plus R.V.s and Volvo hatchbacks with Thule roof racks.  It then consumes the entire week thereafter, bookended by two weekends.  I used to wonder who these people were.  Now I know.   

8 Comments on Public-sector fat cats celebrate Thanksgiving

  1. The article uses Sacramento as an example. All of us have only to look to our own aristocratic congress, to see the misuse of the term ‘work’. They are not accountable to their minions. They make their own schedules, approve their own pay raises and perks, and build ‘slush funds’ for their indiscretions or wrongful terminations of those uncooperative minions. They are worse than King George and the British aristocracy that we fought to gain our independence.

    They are off almost more than they are in session. Even in session, they are often absent, galavanting about and glad-handing on taxpayer funds.

    When are congresspersons going to be held accountable? And don’t let that ‘work into the night’ garbage fool you, because their work hours let them set their own schedule and their day starts very late. They own many homes and have many offices, and they travel elitely.

    They should have small government condos to live in while in DC on duty. If they need to entertain, there are a plethora of public buildings in which to preen.

    They should get no better benefits than they begrudgingly give to our military. They should have term limits. They should NOT BE THE RULING CLASS THAT THEY HAVE BESTOWED UPON THEMSELVES.

  2. They get a “bonus” at the end of the
    year dependent on how much tax payer
    money they wasted…
    A public servant who produces nothing
    gets a stinkin’ bonus.In 45 years of working
    I got 2 bonuses.

  3. Gubbmint jobs are populated by the liberal
    middle class.They cannot produce
    anything with their hands or brains so they
    work a useless meaningless job pecking on a
    keyboard and crouching in a cubicle and get paid
    DOUBLE the private sector.DOWN SIZE THE FEDERAL GOVT. NOW!

  4. Get rid of the cretin “Special Counsel” who is up to is ears in Uranium One. Get rid of the 17 attorneys working for him. Get rid rid of the triple deep assistant and deputy assistants. Get rid of every Obama hold over, no matter how deeply imbedded. Get rid of all management at the FBI, Secret Service, Intelligence Service, DOJ,
    Pentegon, The government needs a shake up, shake it up. Mr. President!

  5. I did a college internship for a government agency in the 80s. I remember seeing both the Peter principle and 80/20 rule in full effect. You should have seen the good-for-nothings whining about the RIFs Reagan pushed through. Even after the RIFs those who remained didn’t work any harder and overall productivity didn’t drop. He could have doubled the number of layoffs and still those that remained probably would not have had to work any harder. That’s how little people do in government. I couldn’t stand it, so I got a job in the private sector. It isn’t heaven, but I am satisfied at least what I do has meaning in the world. You see products I engineered in hospitals and stores every day.

  6. I couldn’t care less how many days our representatives work, I care about what they accomplish. But for administrative employees it’s getting ridiculous.

    Note that the following was posted by a friend who, though fairly impartial as a journalist, is decidedly on the left:

    Subway workers now make an average of $170,000 annually in salary, overtime and benefits, according to a Times analysis of data compiled by the federal Department of Transportation. That is far more than in any other American transit system; the average in cities like Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington is about $100,000 in total compensation annually.
    The pay for managers is even more extraordinary. The nearly 2,500 people who work in New York subway administration make, on average, $280,000 in salary, overtime and benefits. The average elsewhere is $115,000.

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