Travel alert for Eurabia! (but otherwise, enjoy your trip) – IOTW Report

Travel alert for Eurabia! (but otherwise, enjoy your trip)

American Thinker; Americans have often been accused of speaking bluntly, lacking the finesse of those oh, so sophisticated Europeans.  Why, just last week, the French, too cowardly to admit they were shutting down their Christmas markets because of terrorism by you know who (if you do know, you’re Islamophobic), but rather because they were…um…inelegant.

The blunt American, Pamela Geller, not buying this pathetic French pastry, instead unveiled the truthful reason: “fear of jihad” by you-know-which group uses that j-word.

Somewhat corroborating Geller’s insight while blasting the weak French, the U.S. State Department also issued a travel alert last week because of…well, you know…

The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe, particularly during the holiday season.  U.S. citizens should exercise caution at holiday festivals and events.  This Travel Alert expires on January 31, 2018.

Recent, widely-reported incidents in France, Russia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Finland demonstrate that the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS or Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, and their affiliates have the ability to plan and execute terrorist attacks in Europe.   read more

9 Comments on Travel alert for Eurabia! (but otherwise, enjoy your trip)

  1. If only there was some kind of picture box with events of the day, where people could see for themselves the destruction caused by “you know who” they wouldn’t need gov’t warnings.

  2. a non a moose — there is a website, The ReligionofPeace, which has ongoing lists of monthly terrorist attacks, world-wide. Many news items of terrorism, both big and little.

    Weekly and monthly totals run into the hundreds of victims…. and this has been going on for years. The West is losing this war, because Political Correctness has emasculated almost everybody.

  3. My son is in Madrid to compete in an equestrian event, then another in Paris and a third in Salzburg . For the next three weeks I will be praying for his safety even more than usual. Last year he only broke his leg.

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