It’s Pretty Bad When I Understand the Mexican’s English More Than Marshawn Lynch’s – IOTW Report

It’s Pretty Bad When I Understand the Mexican’s English More Than Marshawn Lynch’s

I honestly do not know what the hell this deep-thinking leftist activist just said.


ht/ js

45 Comments on It’s Pretty Bad When I Understand the Mexican’s English More Than Marshawn Lynch’s

  1. Fricken’ Beast Mode. As an alum I root for teams with Cal players. But not the Raiders, now. And with Aaron Rodgers out it looks like it will have to be the Los Angeles Jared Goffs.

  2. Ancestry.Com posted his family tree the other day and it was very interesting…… his particular branch of the tree comes directly from the mating of a toaster oven and a cattle prod.

  3. He was OK when he played for the Seattle Seahawks and was sullen didn’t say much around the constant nagging of the sports reporters. Now that he’s with the Raiders he can’t shut up. What’s with most (not all) running backs who are dumber than dirt.

  4. The poor reporter was left dumbfounded! The uncouth bastard with his ebonics nonsense didn’t even have the common courtesy to say “Gracias”but grabbed the shit out of that jersey!I’m just simply amazed that goons like thag exist as Americans…a la chingada!

  5. He has been sitting for the national anthem for a few years now. He was ahead of kapernick, it’s just that even when he spoke, no one could understand him so nobody knew if he was protesting or not.

  6. In a way I feel sorry for this poor sucker. He’s living proof that there still are blacks who haven’t managed to get off of the Plantation. In a way if you compare picking cotton to playing football either slave (a cotton picker or a football player ) would be worthless without that skill.

  7. Yeah, understood the Mexican, even with that thick accent. Lynch sounded like a moron who is too ignorant and unaware his behavior and lack of language/grammar skills are an embarrassment. All he knows is when he ends up back in the ‘hood – “he good”.

  8. Lynch made it through three-years at UC Berkeley with a major in “Social Welfare” and the only reason he didn’t graduate was because he skipped his senior year and went directly into the NFL.
    Had he played college ball for another year, he’d certainly graduated Berkeley with a B.A. in the social sciences.
    That’s what it takes to get a Batchelor’s degree from Berkeley.
    Not terribly impressive.

  9. 40+ years ago when I was in LOndon, waiting to cross the street, I heard a man talking with a fabulous, deep voice. Eventually, I had to turn around to see who was speaking. It was a black man. What a voice he had.

  10. I can find no greater reason to champion the destruction of the NFL than to take away the stage from uneducated half wits like this idiot. Ebonics is such gift to American society. What a knob. I can’t wait to read about his bankruptcy and pending incarceration.

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