Why We #MAGA – IOTW Report

Why We #MAGA

Whilst petulant “NeverTrumpers” consume Brie and “wHine,” Victor Davis Hanson continues to expose their pathetic elitism, and ACCURATELY describe what it means to be a Trump supporter. This is a MUST read.

#MAGA     –C. Steven Tucker

14 Comments on Why We #MAGA

  1. What I like about Trump?
    1. He’s a doer. He talks funny, but walks the walk.
    2. He drives the media nuts.
    3. He loves America.
    4. He loves America.
    5. He doesn’t take shit from anyone.
    6. He loves America.

  2. For me when I think of people whom I consider to have a stratospheric intellect two men instantly come to mind, Thomas Sowell and Victor Davis Hanson. There are others but I really enjoy reading either of these two men’s observations.

    Now compare them to Obama who’s claimed by the left to be a genius.

  3. organgrinder. I certainly agree with you. Tom Sowell and V.D. Hanson are American treasures.
    Professor Sowell is now retired, I believe, and no longer comments. I miss him. He wrote with verve and spoke sense. The only time he irked me was when he joined a group of RINOs at National Review in an attempt to destroy Donald Trump. I think that that particular issue of National Review hurt the magazine, a WFB creation. I will continue to follow V.D. Hanson and Andrew McCarthy at NR, but I don’t have much use for the other smart alecks.


    and going after big business, fair trade, helping the little guy’s business, lowering the unemployment rate

    they’d be chipping his face in the side of Mount Rushmore before he ended his first year.

  5. Moe Tom — The only time I was terribly disappointed in Thomas Sowell was when his name appeared on the National Review with those 21 others who were “Against Trump”. He and Andrew McCarthy. I’ve let both off the hook because neither of them really knew Trump and I suspect they were hustled into giving their two cents, being scions of the well-mannered think tank set — though I’d love to hear their opinions now.

    I’ve heard/read VDH discuss/ponder “why Trump?” or who his supporters are and he’s right about some things but still doesn’t quite capture the sensibilities of Trumpsters/Deplorables. I think that’s only because, as great as he is, he’s still sort of an outsider, or seen as a think tank guy, himself.

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