Fake hate: ‘Nonwhite’ student confesses to writing racist graffiti in girls’ bathroom in Mo. high school – IOTW Report

Fake hate: ‘Nonwhite’ student confesses to writing racist graffiti in girls’ bathroom in Mo. high school

CFL: It seems that fake “hate” crimes are in vogue these days. Understandably, officials at Parkway Central High School in Chesterfield, Mo., are not releasing the identity, including the race, of a “nonwhite” student who allegedly scrawled “White Lives Matter” on November 15.  That declaration was followed by the N-word on a mirror in the girls room because she is a minor.

What is not understandable — or forgivable — is the administration’s response upon learning the incident was a hoax. According to St. Louis Fox affiliate KTVI, Principal Timothy McCarthy wrote the following in an email to the local community:

This incident caused significant harm to and within our school community by provoking feelings of hurt and distrust. The use of the N-word, in the context of the message on the bathroom mirror, provoked feelings of hate, not love. As I stated last week, actions and speech which degrade an individual’s human dignity have no place in school; they have no place at Central High.

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