Kathleen Sebelius Latest Dem to Turn on Clintons over Sexual Misconduct, ‘Absolutely’ Fair to Criticize Hillary – IOTW Report

Kathleen Sebelius Latest Dem to Turn on Clintons over Sexual Misconduct, ‘Absolutely’ Fair to Criticize Hillary

Breitbart: Kathleen Sebelius, President Barack Obama’s secretary of Health and Human Services, joined the ranks Wednesday of prominent Democrats to call out the Clintons and her party over the handling of President Bill Clinton’s myriad sexual misdeeds.

“Not only did people look the other way, but they went after the women who came forward and accused him,” Sebelius, told CNN. “And so it doubled down on not only bad behavior but abusive behavior. And then people attacked the victims.”

The Democrat’s response to the multitude of women accusing Bill Clinton of sexual harassment or assault when he was their 1992 presidential candidate and then as President of the United States was noted for its uncompromising solidarity. Clinton campaign strategist James Carville, for example, famously said of President Clinton’s accusers in 1996, long before the Monica Lewinski scandal broke, “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Sebelius specifically called out Hillary Clinton, who defended her husband vigorously and attacked his accusers, calling them part of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” and insisting “we really look at the people involved here, look at their motivations and look at their backgrounds, look at their past behavior, some folks are going to have a lot to answer for.”

13 Comments on Kathleen Sebelius Latest Dem to Turn on Clintons over Sexual Misconduct, ‘Absolutely’ Fair to Criticize Hillary

  1. I’m really enjoying watching these various wannabe extermination camp commandants eating each other. I’ll bet the remaining riding crop and knee high polished leather boot manufacturers are too.

  2. So it begins. Donna Brazenly and Kathleen Seditious are getting ahead of the rest of the crowd. This should get really ugly. Hopefully, it will end up looking like something Goya painted. The Demons eating their own.

  3. Something stinks. Sebelius does not have a conscience, does not have a soul. Sold her soul to the devil a long time ago. Kathleen Sebelius would laugh til she peed herself watching innocent babies in the womb, screaming in excruciating agony, as they were being executed by another democrat without a conscience, by tearing off the defenseless baby’s tiny little limbs one by one. And now out of nowhere Sebelius is trying to tell us she’s ‘concerned’ because Bill Clinton raped so many women? Ain’t buying it. Like Satan, people like Sebelius only think of themselves. She is not at all concerned about Bill and Hillary’s victims. That stink? It’s Sebelius.

  4. No. Just self-centered crap. Getting the Clintons out of the way because they are no longer useful for money and support. Everyone is turning now that there is not nothing in it for them to lie anymore for them

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