Wife Forced To Reveal Embarrassing Details of Her Husband’s Death in Order To Sue Life Insurance Company – IOTW Report

Wife Forced To Reveal Embarrassing Details of Her Husband’s Death in Order To Sue Life Insurance Company

Deborah Conradi is suing AIG. The life insurance company won’t pay up because they say her husband, Larry LaFave, a CBS employee, contributed to his own death by participating in a very dangerous activity.

He accidentally hung himself in a hotel closet while masturbating and trying to get that apocryphal high associated with bringing oneself to the point of unconsciousness while orgasming.

Amazingly, that’s not the embarrassing part.

Larry was found in bra and panties.

The left is now admonishing me for characterizing the details of this ridiculous death as embarrassing.

It is ridiculous, and it is embarrassing. Sorry.

ht/ irony curtain

42 Comments on Wife Forced To Reveal Embarrassing Details of Her Husband’s Death in Order To Sue Life Insurance Company

  1. Stick to your guns AIG. Here’s the thing. If a man accidentally hangs himself while wearing a brassiere.. it’s pretty much different than falling off a ladder while cleaning the rain gutters while wearing Duluth and man gear.

    No patience for perverts. Absolute ecstasy and strangulation. Hmm. Never got the memo on that.
    Fucking just die thrill seekers. There’s no place on earth for you.

    Sorry. The stupid shall be punished.

  2. No matter what the guy’s accomplishments, this embarrassment will be the remaining legacy of his life. Sad for his family.

    What the hell is wrong with people? I suspect things are just too easy for many people and they get bored with ‘norms’.

    Or is it just that the ‘dirty laundry’ is on public display,now. I suspect people haven’t really changed much, look at the depravities of ancient Rome, Greece, and other civilizations.

  3. She’s rightly embarrassed, and the Left is Pissed Off at her for being insecure about the fact that her man Got off on “weirdness in Panties”!
    She’s just not a Team Player, c’mon sacrifice your Man ? for the Cause !

  4. Why all the brouhaha about a perv in panties and a bra? How is this weirdo different from everyone else at CBS? Hell, Dan Rather blew it and he’s still looked upon as a gawd. Because this sicko carried on a sacred CBS tradition, why doesn’t CBS reward his family? Are Bill and Hillary involved?

  5. She should have given up the case once it was clear she had to disclose the circumstances of his death. It’s possible I could come up with a more humiliating way to go, but I doubt it.

  6. Did I miss something? Is the wife a hideous gargoyle?
    I’m speaking out of school, maybe, but I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

    Put on a bra and panties and hang yourself while masturbating if you like. In the meantime I’ll be busy if you know what I mean and I think that you do. Wink wink nod nod.

  7. <BI’ve know people who would do anything for $1,400,000.
    Ridiculous, humiliating or embarrassing would be the least they would be willing to do.

    In this case, embarrass a dead man.

    Hey, he’s already had the worst happen to him…

  8. This should never have gone public in the first place. What is wrong with AIG for not keeping the confidence of their insureds? And if they do pay out, and they should because it sounds like an accidental death, then they should also up the premiums on people who also engage in this perverted behavior due to the known risk involved. Keep the capitalism, lose the spreading of the financial risk.


    There’s no indication of suicide, or a note.

    THRILL SEEKERS who die in the act are now classified as suicides so they don’t have to pay up? No.

    The death was the result of an accident. AIG is ASSUMING his intentions were suicide. It’s not what you think or want, it’s what you can PROVE, and evidence indicates it was a wack-off gone wrong.

  10. @SMUDGE: A lot of people don’t know this, but in almost all insurance policies, death claims for suicide become incontestable after two years, so unless the policy was newer than that, they’re still on the hook.

    However, it sounds like this is an accidental death (AD&D) only policy, because what they are saying is that his death should not be considered an accident due to the inherent risk that he was placing himself in.

    If it was a straight life policy they’d have to pay, and they may anyway, depending on how it plays out in court.

    P.S. – You know how people say, “I wouldn’t be caught dead doing _______”? I think I just added another item to my personal list.


  11. I don’t know what’s wrong with this funny monkey! Sexual proclivities aside, I would rate that is a suicide, in which case money is not payable. It would be the same situation if the insured independent play Russian roulette, and only weapon available was a ,45 automatic. paying this claim would be disastrous for the insurance companies, it would open them to a floodgate of idiotic claims.

  12. Michael Hutchence, Stuart Adamson, David Carradine, WTF man? It’s got to be suicide and wanting the last hurrah of spewing everything at the world they hate.

    Remember, your bowels let go at death too.

  13. I know of the following two versions of this story.

    “He was a simple honest man. He never strayed,
    He never drank, he never smoked, and he never kissed a maid.
    And when he passed away his insurance was denied,
    Because he never lived, they claimed he never died.”

    “There was a very cautious man
    Who never laughed or played
    He never risked, he never tried,
    He never sang or prayed.
    And when he one day passed away,
    His insurance was denied,
    For since he never really lived,
    They claimed he never really died”.

    I also don’t think hanging yourself in a closet dressed in lingerie counts as living.

    In this case he wasn’t cautious, and he did try something risky paying the price for a bad choice. However, it seems he may have not strayed. Nor sexually harassed or abused women, he’s not a Harvey, Al Franken. Kevin Spacey or Ted Kennedy. So he had that going for himself.

    That being said. I hate to poke fun at someone killing them self while doing something stupid. The first time I heard of such a thing was when David Carradine died. Since then others. It hit a little close to home a few years back when the teen aged grandson of a friend, a women of my mother’s generation, died doing the same thing when a freshman in college. Though I did not know the boy.

  14. OK, guys (and gals, because they do it too), here’s the moral of the story: Auto-eroticism is like swimming.

    You should never do it alone.

    Find yourself a fellow pervert (or swimmer) and do it in their company. That way, if you get in trouble you have someone available to help you. Or call for help before you die, whatever.

    End of lesson.

    FYI, I swim, but that’s about it. And I don’t swim alone.

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