Dem Lawmaker Arrested At A Mall On Black Friday For Protesting – IOTW Report

Dem Lawmaker Arrested At A Mall On Black Friday For Protesting

Daily Caller: Missouri Democratic state Rep. Bruce Franks Jr. was arrested with several others while protesting at a mall on Black Friday in St. Louis, Mo.

robert cohen

Franks was a part of a large protest, which some were calling an “economic boycott.” The group’s message was reportedly announced in early November by a group of African Americans in the area to fight against police brutality and to speak out against the lack of bank loans for infrastructure in communities in the St. Louis area.

The protest started around 2 p.m. at the St. Louis Galleria in Richmond Heights, according to The St. Louis Dispatch. Protesters marched through the mall, chanting “shut it down” before police quickly announced that they would be making arrests around 2:25 p.m.  MORE

15 Comments on Dem Lawmaker Arrested At A Mall On Black Friday For Protesting

  1. Quite frankly, wouldn’t they be better off in Africa?

    How long does this charade have to go on? You’d think if the country was this unfair and racist, they’d be swimming away in the other direction is droves.

  2. They weren’t asking for more infrastructure loans they were asking for more bank grants. Banks are banks. They don’t care about the color of your skin as long as your credit rating is good enough. Don’t expect to take out loans, make a few payments then skip the rest and have a stirling credit rating. That goes for people, groups and towns. In any event I suspect that this little dustup was held just because it was “Black” Friday and the irony would not ba lost on the attending media lemmings. Franks knew he would be arrested, in fact I’m sure he counted on it, and his only concern was getting the camera angle right and not spending the night in the slammer. I’m still waiting for a DA to actual level a charge befitting the crime and a Judge level an appropriate punishment. We continue to treat these people like they’re kind of retarded or that we still owe them a damn thing and we don’t. I need another coffee.

  3. “speak out against the lack of bank loans for infrastructure in communities in the St. Louis area.”

    What do you expect when you burn down the house where you take a shit every day. Why would any bank invest in your hood? Why would any business set up shop just to have it looted and burned down? “F” off!

  4. This was extortion. Nice business you’ve got there. Be a shame if we disrupt the part that earns 70% of your annual sales.

    That mall has zero to do with police brutality or high risk loans to unqualified black people.

  5. A couple months ago these asshats had another protest in the same place to shut down Brentwood blvd. Told that they could not park in the mall parking lot, the protesters did so anyways. The local constabulary was immediately called and began to tow vehicles. In one local vid, one of these shitheads starts yelling out “they be kidnappin’ cars!”. As a btw the local racial identity commies have been pulling a protest/riot/demonstration every week for months.

  6. @ Goldenfoxx That video was many things, none good-no wonder A. Lincoln wanted to repatriate the former slaves to Liberia. It wasn’t too far down in the comments to find the now common “we should have picked our own cotton”. Sad all around.

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