GHW Bush Is The Longest Living President – IOTW Report

GHW Bush Is The Longest Living President

DC: Former President George H. W. Bush officially became the longest living president Saturday, at 93 years and 166 days old.

Bush took over the top spot from former President Gerald Ford, who died in 2006. Former President Ronald Reagan, whom Bush served as vice president under for two terms, was third.

Former President Jimmy Carter, also 93, is 111 days younger than Bush and the next oldest living president.

Bush was elected to the highest public office in the U.S. in 1988 after Reagan’s second term. The election was the last time that two different presidents of the same political party served back-to-back terms.  MORE

20 Comments on GHW Bush Is The Longest Living President

  1. He ran the CIA. He was an accountant. No imagination, no drive, no plan.

    Placeholder President.

    Like the music they play during intermission when everybody goes to pee. And buy more coke if you’re in DC. You can transact that safely in DC because of all the SS security in place. Watched it happen July Fourth 2009. I look like security and was wearing a weapon and an earphone with a curly wire. Beats a hard hat and a clipboard in DC. Social experiment on my part.

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