Isn’t Trump supposed to be the crude and vicious one? – IOTW Report

Isn’t Trump supposed to be the crude and vicious one?

This is a mainstream publication. This is a respected publication amongst the left.

This is what Vanity Fair says about a President of the United States-

-Trump at an outdoor event in around 2000, after ordering his stylist to color his hair and eyebrows a then-chic shade known as “Cigar-Stained-Teeth Blonde.” Tellingly, the wind affects but a single quadrant of Trump’s hair, as if the rest were bolted down like a storm cellar door.

-Trump at the 2004 Emmys. At this point, we’re just fucking with your stomach. Had lunch yet?

-Trump at Trump Tower this past June, announcing his candidacy for president. Cannily, he appears to be courting the women’s vote by having combed the hair on the left side of his head into the shape of a vagina.

-In this 2002 photograph, Trump has changed his hair color to “Burnt-Cheetos Auburn.” As well, the conventional hairsprays and salon products of years past appear to have given way to rubber cement and snot.

I thought Trump was the crude guy?

I guess Vanity Fair would claim they are only dishing out what Trump dishes out.

And if you believe this level of viciousness is on display because of Trump’s “nastiness,” I will refer you back to the Bush administration, where he was attacked for being dumb, retarded, evil, a Nazi, a racist and a redneck.

And the best thing I can say about Bush is that back then he was a nice guy. Now he’s a loud-mouthed prick who didn’t have a single bad thing to say about Obungles, but seems to found his inner $hithead in order to attack a president doing a pretty good job on jobs, foreign affairs and the economy.

16 Comments on Isn’t Trump supposed to be the crude and vicious one?

  1. The left needs to be eradicated…….because they would eradicate us without even blinking.

    That photo on the main page a few days ago with the Chinese(assuming) soldier about to shoot a woman in the back of the head……yeah……they wouldn’t even blink….

  2. Vanity Fair is a paper tiger. I suspect they reach more readers via getting reposted and discussed on Conservative blogs than actual Lefty subscribers.
    Like The Atlantic, they are famous only for being quoted by the outraged Right.

    I’ll know the Right is winning the Culture Wars when we stop re-broadcasting Leftist drivel. And instead devote that space to the latest Pat Condell youTube, or Ann Barnhardt, or Project Veritas.

    IOTW is refreshing in that sense, and a model for other blogs.

  3. In the mundane you prove yourself a student of the “Art of the Deal.”

    Is his hair different? I’d say it’s just another way to create his own personal sense of style – are there subliminal messages in his hair?

    Stop wearing the tin-foil hats and maybe you’ll find out.

  4. I don’t care what any of the Lefty say. Mr Trump is the President of the United States of America whether they like it or not. And they don’t.
    He’s like Neo in the final scenes of The Matrix, getting under the Media’s skin, driving them crazy and hopefully, causing them to explode. He is The One and it’s killing them.

    Go to the 1:20 mark.

  5. van·i·ty
    excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements: “it flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him” · [more] synonyms: conceit · narcissism · self-love · self-admiration · self-absorption · [more] denoting a person or company that publishes works at the author’s expense: “a vanity press”

    the quality of being worthless or futile: “the vanity of human wishes”
    synonyms: futility · uselessness · pointlessness · worthlessness · fruitlessness

    Ecclesiastes 2:11 ESV

    Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.

    Kinda says it all, doesn’t it?

    Vanity Fair, indeed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Everything is petty and personal with the left. The critique of Trump’s hair is a way to taunt President Trump. They hope he will be triggered and respond, so Vanity Fair and other panty-waste progressive tools can say, “See, told you so. Trump is childish and stupid”. If they don’t get the results they expected, the left begs for President Trump’s attention – just like Eminem. LOL!

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