South Korea Should Blast Messages By Donald Trump Into North Korea – IOTW Report

South Korea Should Blast Messages By Donald Trump Into North Korea

Two North Korean defectors in June were influenced by the “Voice of Freedom” which is broadcast into North Korea and could be heard for 12 miles.

Mostly they play pop music, which is effective enough.

But if they really want to get under NOKO’s skin and cause massive defection, they should blast messages from Donald Trump.

The president should have a talk with the latest defector and let him explain how wonderful life is outside the communist prison. He should explain how he never knew how his body could feel when rid of parasites, after eating good food, and that it’s like heaven, a place where the sun seemingly shines differently.

The best offense against the left is information.

Read about the ramping up of The Voice of Freedom HERE


8 Comments on South Korea Should Blast Messages By Donald Trump Into North Korea

  1. Yes, while Obummer was in office the US citizenry was made to tolerate a fairly miserable amount of Leftist imposition.

    But even more so, the citizens of especially evil regimes – North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. – were subjugated to ever more governmental control and oppression. with pretty much zero support from our government. When the Obummer administration supported “democracy”, it was in the form of oppressive Muslim tyrants like Morsi in Egypt. It sure seemed like the Democrat administration, including Obummer and Clinton then Lurch, were supportive of the dictators.

    I am glad to see our government once again falling on the side of citizen’s freedom worldwide.

  2. They should have defectors describe American Grocery stores, talk about how fat poor people are, describe each menu item from Golden Corral, describe the obesity epidemic, talk about french fries.
    Then force Morgan Freeman to learn to speak Korean and him describe all the food at Thanksgiving


    He escaped by bribing the guards at the border into China, at night. They let him pass. His parents saved up bribe money. China repatriates defectors to South Korea.

    In S.Korea, defectors are given welfare. They have an apartment, and living costs. Their higher education is free I think, not sure.

    I met him, his English was good. He said there are no SNACKS there b/c it’s considered unhealthy. Everything is stuck in the 50s. People are always hungry. People are worried they will be caught doing something wrong even if they didn’t. He said living in South Korea is an impossible dream. So much different than the North.

  4. Those captive North Koreans must think the whole world lives as they do since they have no access to outside information. Great idea to well them what they are missing.

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