What’s Next For Trump After Tax Reform? Welfare Reform – IOTW Report

What’s Next For Trump After Tax Reform? Welfare Reform

Imagine if we had a Trump controlled hill?

This is our dream president, and it’s the so called right that is stopping him.

It was the so-called right that tried to stop him from becoming president, and there are still sites today that keep up the stupid rhetoric and drumbeat that Trump is really a democrat and can’t be trusted. I thought they’d come around after seeing how monumentally stupid their claims have been a year later. It was stupid of me to think that.

They didn’t arrive at their opinion through reason, what made me think they could be reasoned with now?


WASHINGTON — Overhauling welfare was one of the defining goals of Bill Clinton’s presidency, starting with a campaign promise to “end welfare as we know it,” continuing with a bitter policy fight and producing change that remains hotly debated 20 years later.

Now, President Donald Trump wants to put his stamp on the welfare system, apparently in favor of a more restrictive policy. He says “people are taking advantage of the system.”

Trump, who has been signaling interest in the issue for some time, said this past week that he wants to tackle the issue after the tax overhaul he is seeking by the end of the year. He said changes were “desperately needed in our country” and that his administration would soon offer plans.

For now, the president has not offered details. Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said more specifics were likely early next year. But the groundwork has already begun at the White House and Trump has made his interest known to Republican lawmakers.

Paul Winfree, director of budget policy and deputy director of Trump’s Domestic Policy Council, told a recent gathering at the conservative Heritage Foundation that he and another staffer had been charged with “working on a major welfare reform proposal.” He said they have drafted an executive order on the topic that would outline administration principles and direct agencies to come up with recommendations.

“The president really wants to lead on this,” Winfree said. “He has delivered that message loud and clear to us. We’ve opened conversations with leadership in Congress to let them know that that is the direction we are heading.”

Trump said in October that welfare was “becoming a very, very big subject, and people are taking advantage of the system.”

Clinton ran in 1992 on a promise to change the system but struggled to get consensus on a bill, with Democrats divided and Republicans pushing aggressive changes. Four years later, he signed a law that replaced a federal entitlement with grants to the states, placed a time limit on how long families could get aid and required recipients to go to work eventually.

It has drawn criticism from some liberal quarters ever since. During her presidential campaign last year, Democrat Hillary Clinton faced activists who argued that the law fought for by her husband punished poor people.

Kathryn Edin, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who has been studying welfare since the 1990s, said the law’s legacy has been to limit the cash assistance available to the very poor and has never become a “springboard to work.” She questioned what kinds of changes could be made, arguing that welfare benefits are minimal in many states and there is little evidence of fraud in other anti-poverty programs.



Welfare benefits are minimal???

In 2013, 110 million people were getting some form of government assistance. There were only 106 million full-time workers in America.

What does the left want this number to be?

And little evidence of fraud???????? How can their be so many working aged people on Medicaid?

9 Comments on What’s Next For Trump After Tax Reform? Welfare Reform

  1. That would explain the sudden Fake News blossom about the poor, poor students of Berkeley who have been forced onto welfare. As if they’re not total fraudsters ripping off the system.

    Know who else could do with a little belt-tightening? All the illegals who come here to get on the dole. Maybe they’ll head home when the gravy dries up.

  2. There is a major problem with the system in that welfare, in its many forms, is presented as all-or-nothing. They need a way to work yourself off it without fear of losing everything. A dear friend, a vet who went through the VA’s PTSD program a few years ago is on disability. His apartment is paid for and he has a very small amount of money to spend each month, not enough to do anything. He had to get rid of his car because that was considered extravagant. If he earns any amount of money, no matter how small, his benefits go away. How about a system that helps you to wean yourself off it, rather than keep you on it unless you are completely prepared for no assistance?

  3. By welfare reform, does it include all the freebie perks that congressmen lavish on themselves?

    That the so-called “right” chooses to thwart Trump 24/7 is the very reason there should be copious blood-letting at midterms.

  4. Eliminate welfare and the illegals will have no jobs to come here for.
    Those couch surfers will have to work in order to eat.
    They will carry the the illegals back and throw them over our new wall.

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