…bring us your tired, your poor, your Islamic homicide bomber… – IOTW Report

…bring us your tired, your poor, your Islamic homicide bomber…

Found on the I Hate Hippies page on Facebook. ht/ nm

24 Comments on …bring us your tired, your poor, your Islamic homicide bomber…

  1. @Half-Assed-Patriot – No refugees are welcome… they are not needed in this country, not wanted, nor can they contribute anything. By definition a refugee doesn’t have the ability to contribute change in his own country, why would they magically be able to do it in ours?… hence why he is leaving his home. Tom Perry said it best, “You don’t have to live like a refugee.”

  2. I would posit that having a sign welcoming refugees on your product label means that you mean you will care for and feed them and assume responsibility for their continuing well being in perpetuity.

  3. “But you don’t … have … to live like a refugee …
    Don’t have to live like a refugee …”

    The only criterion for ANY entry into the United States (immigrant, refugee, or otherwise) should be: “How is this demonstrably beneficial to the United States?”

    We are a nation – not some blind, ignorant, deluded charity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In America’s Dairy land we pity the those who have to rely on the overcharging commies from Vermont for good ice cream.

    Imagine what Bernie & Deborah ice cream would taste like. I bet it would be old, sour and spoiled.

  5. With the rate at which Puerto Ricans are moving to Florida and the rest of the U.S., that island will soon be unpopulated. It would be a perfect place to put refugees. Then randomly drop by parachute pallets of guns, ammo, and food. Finally, run a bunch of drones overhead to record the action. Now there’s a “reality” show I just might watch.

  6. Strange but this appears to be a UK only flavor? What, American’s aren’t worthy of having a flavor to savor when welcoming refugees? I mean what if a German Hi-tech Rocket Engineer that felt his country was about to collapse under weight of Muslim hordes and he immigrated into the USA and we welcomed him with open arms! Wouldn’t we want some ice cream to share with him?

  7. Uncle Al, I have often thought we should wall off all the Dem controlled cities and supply them with all the booze, drugs and crotch rockets they want and then let Daddy Darwin have a go at it.

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