Statement From Conyers After Stepping Down From Judiciary Committee – IOTW Report

Statement From Conyers After Stepping Down From Judiciary Committee

14 Comments on Statement From Conyers After Stepping Down From Judiciary Committee

  1. Wonderful son, father, husband, pet owner,.. who would have thought that he wanted to become an underwear model?
    “He seemed like such a nice person, why would he go on that rampage”?

  2. i will do the ethical thing and step down because an ALT-RIGHT BLOGGER is making FALSE accusations, and while TRUMP IS BEING A DICTATOR! i would like to remain as ranking member because i have important racial work to be done, so anyone who continues to attack me is a closet racist (wink-wink).

    Remember when I told you all to NEVER MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO TRASH DEMOCRATS when they stick a microphone in your face? Well, THEY do. Recently: Hillary, Conyers, Pelosi, have all veered off topic to bash Trump. -Do the same thing.

    “Paul Ryan! Do you disavow Trump’s racism!?”

    “I disavow the democrats voting for a former KKK member to the Senate for 53 years.”

    –see how it’s done?

  3. I’m on board with the theory that this whole political and celebrity harassment imbroglio is a setup to stage an impeachment level harassment scandal against Trump by a well-rehearsed and groomed,well-paid, lying, Democrat hive bimbo in the not-too-distant future.

  4. Pretty fucking pathetic.

    A lifetime spent in plunder, deceit, and sexual escapades and his “punishment” is to step down from the “Judiciary” Committee? This scumbag has been getting away with this shit for years – and everyone on Capitol Hill was aware – don’t fall for the stupid bullshit – the House is a pretty small community with a lot of gossip.

    The House has no morals, no direction (other than corruption), no conscience (sense of shame), and no accountability. It is desperately in need of a scouring. Where’s Hercules when you need him (Augean Stables)?

    100 Earth-Movers couldn’t shove all the shit into the Potomac.

    izlamo delenda est …

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