I Love When the Left Evokes Jesus In Their Arguments Against the Right – IOTW Report

I Love When the Left Evokes Jesus In Their Arguments Against the Right

The left evoking Jesus in their arguments against the right is the height of chutzpah. Normally they are ripping nativity scenes out of the public square. But in order to take a swipe at Trump, suddenly they ask “what would Jesus do”?


The holiday edition of the iconic, red ball cap is inscribed with the words, “Merry Christmas.” It costs $45 – tax and shipping not included.

“What would Jesus do about President Donald Trump’s overpriced Christmas hats,” pondered Newsweek writer Christal Hayes. “The son of God himself – probably would not approve.”

“Trump has habitually cited the Christian Bible as a guide for his leadership, although he seems to have glossed over its anti-consumerist ethos,” Hayes wrote.

She then commenced to cherry-picking Bible verses to justify her unwarranted attack on the president.

“Throughout the Bible, there are clear warnings about greed,” she wrote. “In 1 Timothy, the Bible says, ‘For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.’”

Newsweek also suggested the Bible is anti-cap. I kid you not, good readers.

“The Bible even takes a stand against hats, regardless of whether they’re selling for $45,” Hayes wrote. “1 Corinthians says you shouldn’t cover your head while praying.”

In this case, we’re dealing with a news organization that’s all hat – no cattle – as they say in the Lone Star State.

Does Jesus really have a problem with President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” ball cap? I reached out to Dr. Robert Jeffress, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, for the answer.

“Newsweek is confusing the Bible with ‘The Communist Manifesto,’” Dr. Jeffress told me. “The last time I checked, Scripture has nothing to say about the ‘suggested retail price’ for Christmas hats.”


ht/ JBinNM

24 Comments on I Love When the Left Evokes Jesus In Their Arguments Against the Right

  1. If I had money, I would hire a legal immigrant for some forlorn Hispanic country and his name would be Jesus. He would wear his MAGA backwards to keep his neck cool. He and his family would come over for regular barbecues and I would get some damned good tamales for Christmas….I’d then help him and his families English for their citizen exam….I’m a slut for good Christmas tamales…..

  2. The hat is cute. It is out of my price range, but if somebody likes it and has cash to spare for one, then my hat is off to them! And I will compliment the wearer on their fine festive hat if I should happen across them!

    Off topic: My little boy directed my attention to a man wearing a MAGA shirt at the grocery store & I complimented the man. We had a nice chat about how awesome President Trump is & the man gave me the hat he was wearing, which is a hat commemorating Trump’s electoral victory last year. Pretty cool, huh? This happened right here in New York.

  3. According to their usual stance, Jesus is a “fictional” character from a novel. Oh, and lately the meme is that the Virgin Mary was raped. I’m confused, not by their vacillating “facts” ,but that they think normal people don’t see through their hubris and rash stupidity.

  4. The difference between conservatives and liberals: no one is forcing anyone to spend $45 for a hat, but liberals want to force people to pay thousands of dollars a year for crappy health insurance. Who would Jesus side with in this scenario?

  5. Clearly they have never read the parable of the talents where the industrious servants made large profits with the money that they were entrusted to on behalf of their master. The stupid and lazy servant (i.e. a Democrat) who did nothing with it earned the wrath of the master.

    Wealth is not inherently evil. Placing it ahead of God as your own idol is sin.

    I will not be lectured by people who defend murder by abortion and celebrate every sexual perversion as normal as the Democrats party planks indicate. Let’s not forget their desire to steal from me and redistribute my wealth to those who did not earn it and do not deserve it. How about their obsession with gun control while Luke 22 says we should be armed and prepared.

    No, the Democrats and liberals need to repent and turn from their sins.

  6. To paraphrase the great Dennis Miller:

    When the left isn’t calling you a rube for believing that Jesus is the Savior, they’re cynically evoking the name of Jesus to get you onboard with their latest socialist bullshit.

  7. There was about a 10 year period of time the wifey use to drop a 100 dollar bill into the collection basket at our Catholic Church. Every week. Nice when you can do it I guess. How are these imbeciles equating a hat with Christmas Lights on it to God and Jesus?

  8. BFH said it, if you find someone insufferable, yet you will promote this to humans. Chopping the head off and throwing them in the trash or using for study, then who are you? You are Frankenstein’s monster’s monster.

  9. The left evoking Jesus in their arguments against the right is the height of chutzpah. Normally they are ripping nativity scenes out of the public square. But in order to take a swipe at Trump, suddenly they ask “what would Jesus do”?

    And how, pray tell, would they know?

  10. They quote the Bible, and I, the uneducated, will quote William Shakespeare:
    “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
    An evil soul producing holy witness
    Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
    A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
    O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
    -William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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