Rise Of The Cat Ladies – IOTW Report

Rise Of The Cat Ladies

Western Rifle Shooters:

On The Anti-Trump, Anti-Incumbent Resistance

It’s easy to scoff and dismiss this energy wave as a bunch of hairy-chinned, hot-flashing, post-menopausal C words.

But consider:

1) These people (and the Bernie supporters across generations) are the post-2016 Dem party, and their power will grow as Bill The Perv and Hillary The Drunk continue to lose power.

2) Their platform is More Power To Government At All Levels.

3) If the Hairy Chins are the anti-Incumbent Dems, where (besides within the Trump family) are the anti-Incumbent Republicans? If they exist, what is their plan? If their plan is valid, how do others get in contact and support it?  more

8 Comments on Rise Of The Cat Ladies

  1. Do they know they are severely mentally ill?
    The majority of the country voted for Trump even with the standard massive cheating on
    the left he still won.
    So you wack jobs are in the minority

  2. They’re dingbats and easily confused. Flood them with mis-information like voting locations and dates, Volunteer to drive them to the polls and drop them off outside of town. On election day kidnap their cat and tell them it was just seen wandering next to the interstate.

  3. Don’t ever date a crazy cat lady. I know a woman who is a crazy golden retriever lady who has too may of them but uses them for therapy dogs etc. and trains them, her I would go out with but no crazy cat ladies. Crazy cat ladies end up in the obituaries with just a note saying that she was in a dirty, messy, filthy house with too many cats that ate her after she died unexpectedly.

  4. @I hate progressives November 28, 2017 at 3:09 am

    “Do they know they are severely mentally ill?”

    Know, and are extremely proud of it. They all know, as much as they “know” anything, that deplorable people who carried on the same way would be beaten on and about the head with aluminium bats. On multiple, oh so many, occasions. That demonstrable, even “scientific” fact, that they, themselves, are unmolested by such fair, even necessary, treatment, proves “scientifically”, how oh so special they are. They be Prinxesses!

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