Left Upset That Brett Baier and Donald Trump Are in Picture Together – IOTW Report

Left Upset That Brett Baier and Donald Trump Are in Picture Together

I wouldn’t care if Baier was in a picture giving Trump a reach around. This wouldn’t come close to leveling the playing field,

First of all, Baier was clearly in the Megyn Kelly camp during the primaries, acting as an adversary of Trump.

Second of all, suck it.

Remember this picture?

This is as close to sex without touching that I’ve ever seen. This is the press looking at Hillary aboard her campaign plane.

Here is the execrable Chris Cillizza trying to convince everyone that most journalists aren’t lefties.

The claim by this knobhead is that reporters are becoming Independent (and not because they are actively trying to hide their bias.

Yeah, then explain this:


Your crapola works on who, exactly, Sleazilla?


7 Comments on Left Upset That Brett Baier and Donald Trump Are in Picture Together

  1. Who the hell wrote the apology statement? “he was asked to take a photo w Nicholas & The President.

    Like he was doing Trump a solid! I didn’t think it possible but his ego is bigger than his fat head.

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