Rapes in Sweden Reach Third World Proportion – IOTW Report

Rapes in Sweden Reach Third World Proportion

Swedish men should be embarrassed. They can’t control the recent epidemic of mass rape in the streets of Sweden. They are doing nothing.

The latest rape was by at least 20 savages upon one woman.

When it was over she knocked on some doors for help but was told she was “disgusting.”

This is typical logic for a particular tribe.

One person told her to go away because she had sperm in her hair.

The article is written in broken English, but you get the gist.


15 Comments on Rapes in Sweden Reach Third World Proportion

  1. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Sweden has a rape problem when its men, its leaders and its women accept more migrants and are not sending them away.. If you are outraged, it is because you are in America but Swedes are OK with rape so calm down and wait for the men to lie down and accept what is next..

  2. Swedish women need to care weapons.

    Swedish men (who are not Muslim) need to grow some balls, and defend their women. Failing that, they should AVENGE their women!

    If it was my wife/sister/daughter/mother/other female relative, perpetrators would die chocking on PORK shoved down their throats.

  3. Sweden was a Beautiful Country, parts of it reminded me of N.Cal and parts of Oregon then Washington going north accordingly ! It’s a sad loss Geographically speaking for all Caucasian’s who love Travel !

  4. So…

    Your drunk, and now drunken, uncle is waving not one but two guns around, screaming “Gimme’ yo’ wallet! I needs gash money!”, “It’s my car! I can drive it howerver, and wherever, and whenever I wanna’! You’re not the boss a me!”, “I drive better when I’m drunk! I don’t have to keep worrying about your oppressive nagging about my drinking!”, “Yer great-grandpa said my great-ma had big feet! Now gimme’ yo’ wallet!”.

    Do you straighten your bow tie, say that’s not according to Hoyle, and wait for him to shoot you… like he shot a dozen of your cousins, before you… and take your wallet from your corpse? Do you slip a knife from somewhere and stabify him until dead? Or… do you hand him your wallet, and wish him a safe trip?

  5. Swedish men do nothing, and will continue to do nothing, to protect their women because they have been feminized for several generations. Probably a lot of them are being raped, but say nothing due to embarrassment. Also, as pointed out by another poster, the country has severe laws that would find them guilty of numerous crimes were they to fight back. Sweden is DONE.

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