Elon Musk Cons South Australia out of $50 million – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Cons South Australia out of $50 million

Breitbart: Whoever handles Elon Musk’s public relations deserves a medal.

The slippery snake oil salesman and rent-seeker extraordinaire has been down to South Australia – now reduced, pretty much, to a third world state under its disastrous left-wing administration – and conned the hapless locals out of $50 million to build them an all-but-useless giant battery to make up for the energy they have lost by blowing up their coal-fired power station and relying on wind power instead.

And how are the lickspittle media reporting this outrageous scam?

Why, thus:

Tesla Fulfilled Its 100-Day Australia Battery Bet. What’s That Mean for the Industry?

and thus:

Elon Musk wins bet, finishing massive battery installation in 100 days

and thus:


and thus:

Incredible $50 MILLION bet between Elon Musk and Australian Atlassian tech king pays off with Tesla building a giant solar battery in Adelaide

With a media as compliant and unquestioning as this, is it any wonder Tesla’s price is still about $300 higher than it should be and that governments continue to spend taxpayers’ billions bankrolling his quixotic schemes?

Let’s just have a quick reality check here, shall we?  continued

11 Comments on Elon Musk Cons South Australia out of $50 million

  1. Musk is a con man. If liberal Aussie’s choose to ignore what he is, they’re going to be out 50 mil. Musk knew this. Like Al Gore, Musk knows where to find brain dead liberals with lots of money. And Musk knows they’re easy picking. Musk will be a very, very rich person before his victims ever figure out what he did to them. Kinda like Obama and the Clintons.

  2. Solar & wind ain’t ready folks.
    Very inefficient.Maybe in 10 years
    it will be ready.Just remember there
    is no such critter as “free” energy
    or “free” anything for that matter…

  3. Elon Musk manages Elon Musk’s PR. He is good!
    I wanted to short his stock a year ago but it was already oversold. Good thing because it went up despite poor numbers and the purchase of SolarCity. But now it’s an even surer bet to drop – except so many people buy what he says, in spite of the numbers!

  4. To be fair, Space X rockets have performed very well as has the Tesla S. But his claims like Hyperloop and 500-mile range semi defy physics – and yet people believe anything he claims! And while Tesla makes pretty good cars it doesn’t make them profitably, particularly when you don’t give them free carbon bucks.

  5. South Australia wins the stupid Government of the Week Award! The Government of Canada will have to try harder to win the coveted award next week! Germany and France are in contention, eh!

  6. I’m an SA boy. It’s a beautiful state, run by muppets. The very same muppets who destroyed our industry with their retarded “renewable” energy religion.
    Now they’ve built a new hospital in Adelaide that’ll cost us $1m a day for 30 years.
    Not sure if that includes all the friggin’ generators they’ll be needing when the temperature hits +40C this summer (as it does every summer) & the State electricity grid crashes (as it does regularly, summer or winter).
    My average quarterly power bill is around $650, and I cut my own firewood for winter. That’s progress folks!
    Luckily for me – I have a big-arse generator, fuelled-up & ready to go.
    I pity those who don’t (except for the simpletons who elect these scumbags).

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