Can Someone Be More Frustratingly Dumb Than This Dem Senator Bint? – IOTW Report

Can Someone Be More Frustratingly Dumb Than This Dem Senator Bint?

Even the highly partisan Chuck Todd seems to be amazed at the abject dumbness of this bint. You can almost see him contemplating switching parties.

This is a dem senator discussing the recent sexual misconduct allegations against her colleagues.

21 Comments on Can Someone Be More Frustratingly Dumb Than This Dem Senator Bint?

  1. What I observed is that they are try to make a case to impeach the President based on that infamous tape.
    Particularly, I don’t see how they can do that, since we voted for him even after listening to it.

  2. Give her a pineapple and exile back to Hawaii. Ship the western 1/3 of Calif.,OR and WA along with her. They can relive the Summer of Love together forever.

    I think some posters here along with other sites are right. There are too many squirrels running around. Something REALLY big must be must be just on the horizon.

  3. TACTIC #117 Talk THROUGH the question.

    Keep talking basic nonsense until no one knows what the original questions was because they were to busy using mental energy trying to follow what the hell you are talking about.

  4. the only Democrat politician dumber than her is Hank Johnson, the idiotic buffoon who thought the island of Guam was going to tip over because we were sending a regiment of Marines there for TDY.

  5. Every woman she knows has been sexually harassed since time immemorial so we have to change the culture? Did I get that right? I’d love to hear Chuck say to her: Ma am you are full of shit!

  6. Must be some explosive video if NBC/Universal blocked me from seeing it in my country (US) for copyright reasons.
    Methinks that the Peacock (whodda thought that name would be so appropriate today, way back in the ’50s?)is a bit touchy on the subject!

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