California Governor Hopeful John Cox teamed up with George Soros in 2016 – IOTW Report

California Governor Hopeful John Cox teamed up with George Soros in 2016

CPR: Before running for California governor, John Cox was best known for two things, his many failed attempts at running for political office in his home state of Illinois and his plan to increase the number of legislators in California from 120 to over 12,000. A few years ago, when he showed up in California and got involved in politics, most just wrote him off as an eccentric older millionaire with too much time on his hands, but conservative and probably harmless.


Thus, it surprised even this author that as recently as last year, John Cox donated $5,000 to Mayday PAC through Change California Inc., an organization he chairs and controls. On the surface, Mayday PAC claims to be nonpartisan and has a simple goal: get the influence of money out of politics. Anything noble or truthful about the Mayday PAC starts and ends with its mission statement.

One can probably guess there is something rotten at Mayday when an organization with the stated goal of getting money out of politics raises millions of dollars. It quickly spirals out of control from there.

First, a quick look at Mayday’s spending reveals that there is nothing non partisan about them. Mayday is a Democrat super PAC and spends a vast majority of its money supporting Democrats and attacking Republicans. For example, in 2014, Mayday spent $1.4 million supporting Democrats and $4.2 million attacking Republicans. Mayday also spent $1.6 million meddling in Republican primaries, a vast majority supporting Scott Brown’s primary opponent in New Hampshire. Weakening Scott Brown in a tough general election race against an incumbent Democrat Senator.

In 2016, the year John Cox donated $5,000, Mayday spent only $2,250 supporting a Republican. So what was the rest of Cox’s money used to support?  read more

7 Comments on California Governor Hopeful John Cox teamed up with George Soros in 2016

  1. Increase the # of legislators from 120 to 12000???
    While you’re at it why not just deputize every activist too?

    Typical liberal millionaires. Their philanthropic endeavors is not to help the poor, but to gain more power to rule over them.

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